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Re: Data compression by 50% + : is it possible?

by tybalt89 (Monsignor)
on May 14, 2019 at 00:30 UTC ( [id://1233738]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Data compression by 50% + : is it possible?

Fun with bit strings :)

Here's compress and decompress subs with supporting hashes.
Using your test generator, I get about 55% compression most of the time. This is better than gzip or bzip2 on the one test case I tried. gzip was below 30% and bzip2 was below 45%.

There are pathological cases however. If you replace your rand(10) with 9 you will get a 675% expansion instead of compression.

The compressor maps 4 lines of your test input to 27 bytes and the decompressor does the opposite, so I suggest you compress in multiples of four lines, and decompress in multiples of 27 bytes if you have to split up very large files.
decompress(compress($string)) does reproduce the input string exactly, however, no matter how many lines are in it (at least in my testing :)

#!/usr/bin/perl # use strict; use warnings; my @legal = grep !/11/ && tr/1// <= 3, glob '{0,1}' x 8; my %code; @code{@legal} = map { unpack 'b6', chr } 0 .. $#legal; my %decode = reverse %code; $_ = [ split ' ', '23456789' & tr/01/ ?/r ] for values %decode; sub compress { my $coded = ''; for ( shift =~ /(.*)\n/g ) { my @lookup = (0) x 123; @lookup[ unpack 'C*', $_ ] = (1) x length; for( my $group = 35; $group < 123; $group += 10 ) { $coded .= $code{ join '', @lookup[$group .. $group + 7] }; } } return pack 'b*', $coded; } sub decompress { my $decoded = ''; for my $line ( unpack('b*', shift) =~ /.{54}/g ) { my $decade = 33; for my $group ( @decode{ unpack '(a6)*', $line } ) { $decoded .= pack 'C*', map $decade + $_, @$group; $decade += 10; } $decoded .= "\n"; } return $decoded; } my $input = ''; for (1 .. 100) { for (my $x=0; $x<90; $x+=10) { my @c; push(@c, int (rand(10)+$x)); push(@c, int (rand(10)+$x)); push(@c, int (rand(10)+$x)); push(@c, int (rand(10)+$x)); @c = sort{$a<=>$b}@c; for (my $i = 1; $i < @c; $i++) { $input .= chr(33+$c[$i]) if $c[$i] != $c[$i-1] && $c[$i] != $c[$ +i-1]+1; } } $input .= "\n"; } #use Data::Dump 'dd'; dd $_ for $input =~ /.*\n/g; print "\n input length ", length $input, "\n"; my $compressed = compress($input); my $compressedlength = length $compressed; print "compressed length $compressedlength\n"; my $restored = decompress($compressed); if( $input eq $restored ) { printf "\nMatched, compression ratio = %.1f%%\n", 100 * (1 - length($compressed) / length($restored)); } else { print "----------------------------------------failed\n"; use Data::Dump 'dd'; dd $_ for $restored =~ /.*\n/g; }

Output of typical run (100 random lines) :

input length 1507 compressed length 675 Matched, compression ratio = 55.2%

Thanks for the fun chance to play with long bit strings.

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