in reply to Re: Max value
in thread Max value

Managing two arrays in parallel is probably not the best design. Some other data structure, such for example as an array of hashes, would probably be better.

But anyway, you can loop over the indices of the first array and keep track of the index corresponding to the max value, and then use the max index in the other array. Something like this (untested):

my $max_i; my $max = $arrayh[0]; for my $i (0..$#arrayh) { if ($arrayh[$i] > $max) { $max = $arrayh[$i]; $max_i = $i; } } print " Max is: $wire[$max_i]\n";
A couple of changes would be required if you can have several maximum values (such as using an array of the indices with the max value and adding a test for equality), but this is left as an exercise to the reader.