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Re: Store data into array by looping?

by FreeBeerReekingMonk (Deacon)
on Apr 09, 2019 at 20:20 UTC ( [id://1232367]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Store data into array by looping?

Hello ameezys. You do not give much information on how you want the gate information stored. It depends on what you want to do with it.

I only see nand in your example, but there are not's and's etc. If you want to easily loop over only nand or only not then I suggest:

$GATE{$gate_type}{$gate_name} = { ... hash object with fields ... }

And then build arrays of these objects to loop over them. (the %LINK variable). As pointers/references, so hopefully RAM efficient.

But you can also store hash objects in an array (but I did not do that in the code) which makes it less cluttered, but harder to loop through.

First I modified the regexp a bit so that it is tolerant to a space here and there. But a separate regexp needs to be made to handle the not as it has less parameters

To have the array you want, just loop over the keys:

# Obtain the @input_A array from %LINK my @input_A_from_link = keys %{$LINK{'input_A'}}; die Dumper(\@input_A_from_link);

or, if you do not want the helper hash, directly from the data (using a oneliner):

# get all input_A for nand, not, and, etc.. my @all_input_A = map { my $g = $_; @_=keys $GATE{$g}; map {$GATE{$g}{ +$_}->{'A'}} @_ } keys %GATE; die Dumper(\@all_input_A);

The code (sorry, a bit messy):

#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use Data::Dumper; use [METAMOD://List::MoreUtils] qw/ uniq /; my %GATE; my %LINK; while(<DATA>){ chomp; my $gate_DATA = $_; if (defined($gate_DATA) && ($gate_DATA =~ /(.*)\s+(.*)\s+\(\s*(.*)\s +*,\s*(.*)\s*,\s*(.*)\s*\);/) && ($gate_DATA !~ /module/) ){ # $gate_type = $1; # $gate_name = $2; $output_gate = $3; $input_A = $4; $input_B = $5; die "Line $.: FATAL Redefinition of gate $gate_DATA\n" if(defined +$GATE{$gate_type}{$gate_name}); $GATE{$gate_type}{$gate_name} = { 'name' => $gate_name, 'type' => $gate_type, 'out' => $output_gate, 'A' => $input_A, 'B' => $input_B, }; push @{$LINK{'input_A'}{$input_A}}, $GATE{$gate_type}{$gate_name}; push @{$LINK{'input_B'}{$input_B}}, $GATE{$gate_type}{$gate_name}; push @{$LINK{'output'}{$output_gate}}, $GATE{$gate_type}{$gate_nam +e}; } } # uncomment to Show the structure of %GATE # die Dumper(\%GATE); # uncomment to Show the structure of %LINK # die Dumper(\%LINK); # Yeah, %LINK is a hash of a hash of an array of a referenced hash # die Dumper($LINK{'input_A'}{'N11'}[0]->{'A'}); # die Dumper($LINK{'output'}{'N19'}[0]->{'A'}); # loop over input_A and show where it outputs to for my $gate (keys %{$LINK{'input_A'}}){ my @outputs = map { $_->{'out'} } grep { defined $_->{'out'} } @{$LI +NK{'input_A'}{$gate}}; print "input gate $gate has output @outputs\n"; } # This is how you access the data of one gate: # print $GATE{'nor'}{'NOR2_1'}->{'out'}; # get nand input_A, note the use of uniq to have a unique list (still +not sorted, though) my @nand_input_A = uniq map { $GATE{'nand'}{$_}->{'A'} } keys %{$GATE{ +'nand'}}; # get all input_A for nand, not, and, etc.. my @all_input_A = map { my $g = $_; @_=keys $GATE{$_}; map {$GATE{$g}{ +$_}->{'A'}} @_ } keys %GATE; # get all input_A for nand, not, and, etc... but this time, use readab +le perl my @all_input_A_normal; for my $gate_type (keys %GATE){ for my $gate_name (keys %{$GATE{$gate_type}}){ if(defined $GATE{$gate_type}{$gate_name}->{'A'}){ push @all_input_A_normal, $GATE{$gate_type}{$gate_name}->{'A'}; } } } print Dumper(\@all_input_A_normal); __DATA__ nand nand2_1 (N10,N1,N3); nand nand2_2 (N11,N3,N6); nand nand2_3 (N16,N11,N2); nand nand2_4 (N19,N11,N7); nand nand2_5 (N22,N10,N16); nand nand2_6 (N23,N16,N19); nor NOR2_1 (N6875, N6722, N6476);

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