if [ $UID -gt 199 ] && [ "`/usr/bin/id -gn`" = "`/usr/bin/id -un`" ]; then umask 002 else umask 022 fi #### my @archivos = $cgi->param("archivos"); my $inst = $cgi->param("inst"); my $fecha = $cgi->param("date1"); my $anio=substr($fecha,2,2); my $mes=substr($fecha,5,2); my $dia=substr($fecha,8,2); my @nombre_archivos = ("NI","RP","RDZ","CRF"); my $upload_dir = "/var/www/html/public_html/rev/$inst/$anio-$mes-$dia"; mkdir $upload_dir, 0775; #### #/var/www/html drwxr-xr-x. 5 apache apache 4096 Dec 20 15:00 public_html #### Software error: No such file or directory at /var/www/cgi-bin/programs/upload_modif_ok.cgi line 49. #### open ( UPLOADFILE, ">$upload_dir/$anio-$mes-$dia-$nombre_archivos[$ind]" ) or die "$!"; #### For help, please send mail to the webmaster (root@localhost), giving this error message and the time and date of the error. #### [Tue Jan 08 09:43:34.876310 2019] [cgi:error] [pid 31695] [client...] AH01215: [Tue Jan 8 09:43:34 2019] upload_modif_ok.cgi: No such file or directory at /var/www/cgi-bin/programs/upload_modif_ok.cgi line 49., referer: http://...