harangzsolt33 has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I have created a little perl script that searches documents for a kind of binary string and lists the files that contain that exact string. Can you make suggestions on how I could improve this program or what I could have done to make this better? Also, if you see some obvious bugs in my program, would you please tell me? Thank you! Here is my script:

Edit: Okay, as requested, I am inserting the code here instead of just a link. And thank you for your ideas and advice. I will read through them more carefully tomorrow and try to implement them! Thank you!

#!/usr/bin/perl # # This Perl program looks for a certain binary string # in a file and lists the files found and the total number # of files found. I tested this script in TinyPerl 5.8. # ################################################################# use strict; use warnings; my $FIND = ".\nThis is"; my $CASE_SENSITIVE = 0; my $FOLDER = 'H:\\HOME'; my $RECURSIVE = 1; my @INCLUDE = qw( *.txt *.doc *.xls *.ppt *.log *.htm *.html * +.xml *. *.eml *.pdf *.rtf *.bas *.c *.h *.pl *.cgi *.bak *.reg *.ini +*.inf *.ion *.1st *.lst *.pas *.py *.cpp *.php *.xfm *.js *.asm *.rt +*.old ); my $VERBOSE = 0; my $PAGE_BREAK = 0; ################################################################# Main ### ### PROGRAM STARTS HERE: ## # my $TOTAL = 0; my $BUFF_SIZE = 4000000; my $LINUX = (index(uc($^O), 'WIN') < 0) ? 1 : 0; $CASE_SENSITIVE or $FIND = uc($FIND); CheckDIR($FOLDER); print "\n", '-' x 72; print "\n $TOTAL file(s) found with matching string\n"; exit; ################################################################# Sear +chFile # # This function is automatically called by CheckDIR() every time # a file is found. This function gets the path & name of the file. # # Usage: SearchFile(PATH, NAME) <-- Called by CheckDIR() # sub SearchFile { my $PATH = $_[0]; my $NAME = $_[1]; my $FULLNAME = "$PATH$NAME"; (-f $FULLNAME) or return; # not a plain file? my $L = -s $FULLNAME; # Get file size $L or return; # file size == 0? # Is the search string longer than # the file we're searching? $L >= length($FIND) or return; my $F; my $START = 0; my $FOUND = 0; my $BUFFER; open $F, "<$FULLNAME" or return; binmode $F; while ($START < $L) { if ($START > $L) { last; } read $F, $BUFFER, $BUFF_SIZE, $START; if (defined $BUFFER) { if (!$CASE_SENSITIVE) { $BUFFER = uc($BUFFER); } if (index($BUFFER, $FIND) >= 0) { $FOUND++; last; } } else { last; } if (length($BUFFER) < $BUFF_SIZE) { last; } $START += $BUFF_SIZE - length($FIND); } close $F; if ($FOUND) { $TOTAL++; if ($PAGE_BREAK) { if ($TOTAL % $PAGE_BREAK == 0) { print "\nPress ENTER to continue..."; <STDIN>; } } PRINT("FOUND: $FULLNAME"); } } ################################################################# Chec +kDIR # # This function reads the contents of a folder and calls # SearchFile() for each file that was found. # # Usage: CheckDIR(PATH) # sub CheckDIR { @_ or return; my $FULLNAME; my $PATH = shift; defined $PATH or return; length($PATH) or return; if ($VERBOSE) { PRINT("SEARCHING: ", FormatPath($PATH)); } $PATH = AddSeparator($PATH); opendir(my $DIR, $PATH) or return; while (my $NAME = readdir $DIR) { $FULLNAME = "$PATH$NAME"; if (-d($FULLNAME)) { # Check into subdirectory if RECURSIVE == 1 # Skip directory if its name starts with "." if ($RECURSIVE) { CheckDIR($FULLNAME) unless (vec($NAME, 0, 8) == 46); } next; } # Scan file contents only if the file name # matches a certain pattern. foreach my $W (@INCLUDE) { if (isMatch($NAME, $W)) { SearchFile($PATH, $NAME); } } } closedir $DIR; } ################################################################# isMa +tch # # This function returns 1 if a filename matches a certain # wildcard pattern. There may be several question marks in # the search pattern, but only one asterisk is allowed! # The asterisk may be at the beginning, the end, or in the # middle of the pattern. A question mark matches any # character. An asterisk matches zero or more characters. # The matching is NOT case sensitive! # # Usage: INTEGER = isMatch(FILENAME, WILDCARD) # # Example: isMatch("New_Document.txt", "n*.txt") ---> 1 # sub isMatch { @_ > 1 or return 0; my $F = shift; defined $F or return 0; length($F) or return 0; my $W = shift; defined $W or return 0; length($W) or return 0; $F = uc($F); $W = uc($W); # If there aren't any wildcards at all... if (CountChars($W, '*?') == 0) { return ($F eq $W) ? 1 : 0; } # Match what's before the asterisk... return 0 unless (_isMatch($F, $W, 1)); # Match what comes after the asterisk... return _isMatch($F, $W, -1); } ################################################################# _isM +atch # # This private function is called by isMatch() # This function compares two strings and returns 1 if # both strings match until the first asterisk. # This function can start comparing strings starting # from the beginning or starting from the end! # DIRECTION must be either 1 or -1. # # Usage: INTEGER = _isMatch(FILENAME, WILDCARD, DIRECTION) # sub _isMatch { my $F = shift; my $f; my $LF = length($F)-1; my $W = shift; my $w; my $LW = length($W)-1; my $DIR = shift; my $STOP = $LW; my $START = 0; my $FSTART = 0; if ($DIR < 0) { $STOP = 0; $START = $LW; $FSTART = $LF; } while ($START != $STOP) { $w = vec($W, $START, 8); # Grab byte from wildcard pattern $f = vec($F, $FSTART, 8); # Grab byte from filename $START += $DIR; $FSTART += $DIR; if ($w == 42) # ASTERISK? { return 1; } else { # If the character is "?" then skip, but if # it's not "?", then the characters must match. if ($w != 63) { ($f == $w) or return 0; } } } return 1; } ################################################################# PRIN +T # # This function prints the total number of matches found # so far followed by some text and a new line character. # # Usage: PRINT(STRING) # sub PRINT { print ' ', RSPACE(8, $TOTAL), @_, "\n"; } ################################################################# Form +atPath # # This function replaces the \\ or / characters in a path # to match the current OS's separator character. # # Usage: PATH = FormatPath(PATH) # sub FormatPath { @_ or return ''; my $PATH = $_[0]; length($PATH) or return ''; if ($LINUX) { $PATH =~ tr|\\|/|; } else { $PATH =~ tr|/|\\|; } return $PATH; } ################################################################# AddS +eparator # # This function makes sure that the given path ends with # a / or \ depending on the current OS. # # Usage: PATH = AddSeparator(PATH) # sub AddSeparator { @_ or return ''; my $PATH = $_[0]; length($PATH) or return ''; my $c = vec($PATH, length($PATH)-1, 8); return FormatPath($PATH . (($c == 47 || $c == 92) ? '' : '/') ); } ################################################################# RSPA +CE # # This function adds spaces to the end of a string list to # make sure it's exactly N characters long. If the string # is longer than N, then just returns the string itself. # # Usage: STRING = RSPACE(N, STRING, [STRINGS...]) # sub RSPACE { @_ > 1 or return ''; my $LEN = shift; my $S = join('', @_); my $L = length($S); $L < $LEN or return $S; return $S . (' ' x ($LEN - $L)); } ################################################################# Coun +tChars # # This function counts how many times STRING contains # any of the characters of SUBSTR. # # Usage: INTEGER = CountChars(STRING, SUBSTR) # sub CountChars { @_ > 1 or return 0; my $S = shift; defined $S or return 0; length($S) or return 0; my $L = shift; defined $L or return 0; length($L) or return 0; my $P; my $c; my $i = length($L); my $N = 0; while ($i-- > 0) { $P = 0; $c = substr($L, $i, 1); while (($P = 1+index($S, $c, $P)) > 0) { $N++; } } return $N; } #################################################################

Btw I tested the program, and it seems to work fine.