BernieC has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I'm back playing with Net::SSH2 and running into trouble again. My code is still the very very simple
my $ssh2 = Net::SSH2->new() ; $ssh2->connect(HOST) or $ssh2->die_with_error ; $ssh2->check_hostkey(tofu => HOSTKEY) or $ssh2->die_with_error ; $ssh2->auth_publickey(USER, PUBLICKEY, PRIVATEKEY) or $ssh2->die_with_error ; $ssh2->auth_ok() ;

Here's what's happening: I have a real SSH client that uses a single SSH keyprofile for two different unix systems. I've double checked and the and authorized.keys files on both servers are identical. I have the two constants: HOST and USER. when I changed the HOST and USER to be the new system and the username to use on that system, I get

Username/PublicKey combination invalid (-18 LIBSSH2_ERROR_PUBLICKEY_UN +RECOGNIZED ) at D:\Perl\ line 28.
I have no idea what it is trying to tell me. What do usernames have to do with SSH keys?