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Re^2: Perl Catalyst

by akuk (Beadle)
on Oct 10, 2018 at 18:14 UTC ( [id://1223813]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Perl Catalyst
in thread Perl Catalyst

Thanks for this information.

App File, Authentication settings

'Plugin::Authentication' => { default_realm => 'members', members => { credential => { class => 'Password', password_field => 'password', password_type => 'self_check' }, store => { class => 'DBIx::Class', user_model => 'DB::User', } } },

modified add_columns in the User

__PACKAGE__->add_columns( 'password' => { data_type => 'varchar', encode_column => 1, encode_class => 'Crypt::PBKDF2', encode_args => { hash_class => 'HMACSHA2', hash_args => { sha_size => 512, }, iterations => 10000, salt_len => 10, }, encode_check_method => 'check_password', } );

data type of password field is varchar type, hence the varchar is used in the above code.

To my surprise, when I changed the password of the user through a script, it is not encrypting the password field

#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use MyApp::Schema; my $schema = MyApp::Schema->connect('dbi:mysql:database', 'root', ''); my @users = $schema->resultset('User')->all; # Just traversing the User foreach my $user (@users) { if ($user->email eq 'xyz') { $user->password('password'); $user->update; } }

when I checked the database, it stores the password in the clear text whereas it should save it in the encrypted format.

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Re^3: Perl Catalyst
by akuk (Beadle) on Oct 10, 2018 at 19:15 UTC

    Finally, I figured it out, how to authenticate using Crypt::PBKDF2

    Just in case anyone else stuck in this loop. Here is the way

    # In 'Plugin::Authentication' => { default_realm => 'members', members => { credential => { class => 'Password', password_field => 'password', password_type => 'self_check' }, store => { class => 'DBIx::Class', user_model => 'DB::User', } } },

    And now the DB::User file

    __PACKAGE__->load_components("InflateColumn::DateTime", "TimeStam +p", "EncodedColumn"); # Pay special attention to EncodedColumn, I was using passphrase colum +n there. That my silly mistake and it cost me hours # and now add_columns __PACKAGE__->add_columns( 'password' => { data_type => 'text', encode_column => 1, encode_class => 'Crypt::PBKDF2', encode_args => { hash_class => 'HMACSHA2', hash_args => { sha_size => 512, }, iterations => 10000, salt_len => 10, }, encode_check_method => 'check_password', } );

    And this works for me. Thanks for the assistance "@Your Mother"

      Thank you for digging the answer out. I was going to try later tonight so you saved me, and future seekers, the trouble. :P

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