in reply to Test::More::ok and her ilk

Hello rir,

Looking at the source code for just the ok method in Test::More, version 1.302140:

  1. sub ok (lines 317-22) returns the result of calling ok via Test::More->builder.

  2. Test::More->builder “Returns the Test::Builder object underlying Test::More” (line 1774). This is implemented in Test::Builder::Module: it simply returns Test::Builder->new (lines 171-3).

  3. The new method of Test::Builder returns a singleton Test::Builder object.

  4. So the underlying ok method invoked is Test::Builder->ok (lines 637-98) which explicitly converts its $test argument into a boolean value (line 644):
    sub ok { my( $self, $test, $name ) = @_; ... $test = $test ? 1 : 0; ... return $test; }

Clear? ;-)

Hope that helps,

Athanasius <°(((><contra mundum Iustus alius egestas vitae, eros Piratica,