in reply to HTTP Request and Threads



0xC0000008 STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE An invalid HANDLE was spec +ified. 0xC0000005 STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION The instruction at 0x%0 +8lx referenced memory at 0x%08lx. The memory could not be %s. +0xC0000006 0xC0000022 STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED {Access Denied} A process +has requested access to an object but has not been granted those acce +ss rights.

So, based on that, I try something simple, move the first join next to the second, and the program runs to completion.

Starting over, I add exit 0; after the last join , and it also lets the program complete without exceptions

However, redirecting the output to a file, exit solution crashes the same way. Same if I move some use statements around.

However, the original solution doesn't crash no matter what, create threads first, join them later .

However I'm using perl 5.16.1 a long unsupported windows OS , so :)