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Re^3: Net::RawIP question

by anonymized user 468275 (Curate)
on Aug 16, 2018 at 13:43 UTC ( [id://1220437]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^2: Net::RawIP question
in thread Net::RawIP question

The documentation says:


is a method for set an ethernet parameters in the current object. The given parameters must look like parameters for the ethnew without a $device.

So for your manipulation, it expects the new header to be given in the ethset call as ip => { header keys and values }

update: you might also want to check whether your calls are returning a true value i.e.

$n->methodname(parms) or die "Net::RawIP->methodname failed";

One world, one people

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Re^4: Net::RawIP question
by mark200 (Novice) on Aug 16, 2018 at 14:23 UTC
    thanks for information, this debug helps but i always get error at: Net::RawIP->ethnew failed
    #!/usr/bin/perl use Net::RawIP; $n = Net::RawIP->new({ ip => { saddr => '', daddr => '', }, tcp => { source => 139, dest => 139, psh => 1, syn => 1, }, }); $n->send; $n->ethnew("eth0") or die "Net::RawIP->ethnew failed"; # error here $n->ethset(source => '', dest =>''); $n->ethsend;
      I understand your frustration and I am thankful I didn't write this module, "there but for the grace of god go I", but you have to repeat the parameter
      ip => { saddr => '', daddr => '', }
      yet again for the ethset call as counter-intuitive as it might be.

      One world, one people

        I did not understand what you mean, it's hard for me to understand this lanuguage please speak simple english. if you can give example this will be helpful. thanks for helping.

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