Edit: Not going to edit this node because of replies but Eily noticed there is an extra single quote at the end of my port :-/

This recent post in r/programming poses an interesting question for a bit of golf: "What is the shortest word in the English Language which contains: a b c d e f?" Some Junk™ code was posted to figure this out and my Perl version is a bit shorter. I know you perl better than me, if you do, and can see how else to do this:

The Junk Code:
sorted([w.strip() for w in open('/usr/share/dict/words', 'r').readline +s() if set(list('abcdef')).issubset(set(list(w.strip())))], key=lambda x: +len(x))
My Perl Port:
open$:,"</usr/share/dict/words";while(<$:>){next unless/(?=.*a)(?=.*b) +(?=.*c)(?=.*d)(?=.*e)(?=.*f)/i;push@_,$_}@_=sort{length$a<=>length$b} +@_'

For your convenience:

Print the list:
open$:,"</usr/share/dict/words";while(<$:>){next unless/(?=.*a)(?=.*b) +(?=.*c)(?=.*d)(?=.*e)(?=.*f)/i;push@_,$_}print for sort{length$a<=>le +ngth$b}@_
Print the word:
open$:,"</usr/share/dict/words";while(<$:>){next unless/(?=.*a)(?=.*b) +(?=.*c)(?=.*d)(?=.*e)(?=.*f)/i;push@_,$_}for(sort{length$a<=>length$b +}@_){print;last}
Compare length of Perl to Junk:
#!/usr/bin/perl -lw use strict; my $PERL = <<'PERL'; open$:,"</usr/share/dict/words";while(<$:>){next unless/(?=.*a)(?=.*b) +(?=.*c)(?= .*d)(?=.*e)(?=.*f)/i;push@_,$_}@_=sort{length$a<=>length$b}@_' PERL { no strict; $JUNK = <<JUNK; sorted([w.strip() for w in open('/usr/share/dict/words', 'r').readline +s() if set(list('abcdef')).issubset(set(list(w.strip())))], key=lambda x: +len(x)) JUNK print length $PERL, ' PERL: ', $PERL; print length $JUNK, ' JUNK: ', $JUNK; } # I think junk could lose 4 spaces making it 148. __END__ PERL: 144 JUNK: 152
Of course different versions of dict give different results...