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Re: Coderefs and @INC

by haj (Vicar)
on Jul 03, 2018 at 18:39 UTC ( [id://1217837]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Coderefs and @INC

I tried to track this down for some time (and found the information in require not extremely helpful) - and then tried the approach I recalled from my own past: Just returning a reference to the module's text. This succeeded, for both your sources. Since this is something you mention in your list of attempts as not successful, I'll include the full source of my Could you try this and report what error you get?
package dbLoader; use Carp; use Data::Dumper; use DBI; use Scalar::Util; use strict; use warnings; use feature 'state'; sub import { my $self=shift; return; }; # import: my $KNOWN_PACKAGES_HREF; my ($DBH,$STH); { # INTERNALS: sub _dbLoader { my (undef,$path_S)=@_; s{[/\\]}{::}g, s{\.pm$}{} for (my $package_s=$path_S); return # unless the package is in the this library unless (exists $KNOWN_PACKAGES_HREF->{$package_s}); warn Data::Dumper->Dump([\$path_S,\$package_s],[qw(*path *pack +age)]),' '; my $body_sref; eval { $STH->execute($package_s); if(my $value_aref=$STH->fetchrow_arrayref()) { chomp($value_aref->[0]); $body_sref=\$value_aref->[0]; warn "fetched - ",Data::Dumper->Dump([$body_sref],[qw( +*body)]),''; $INC{$path_S}="DBI:Pg:$path_S"; }; }; if (my $error=$@) { Carp::confess $@; } elsif (!defined $body_sref) { return; } else { open my $fh,'<',$body_sref or Carp::confess "Couldn't open string for reading! $! +"; return ( $body_sref, ); }; }; # _dbLoader: } # INTERNALS: BEGIN { eval { $DBH=DBI->connect('dbi:SQLite:Library.sqlite','','',{ PrintErr +or=>1, RaiseError=>1 }); # Create a (global) hashref of packages/prefixes $STH=$DBH->prepare(<<"__SQL__"); SELECT package FROM packages; __SQL__ $STH->execute(); my $field_aref=$STH->{NAME_lc}; while (my $value_aref=$STH->fetchrow_arrayref()) { my %_h; @_h{@$field_aref}=@$value_aref; $KNOWN_PACKAGES_HREF->{$_h{package}}=undef; }; $STH->finish(); warn Data::Dumper->Dump([\$KNOWN_PACKAGES_HREF],[qw(*KNOWN_PAC +KAGES)]),' '; # Statement handle for fetching source(s) $STH=$DBH->prepare(<<"__SQL__"); SELECT body FROM packages WHERE package = ?; __SQL__ warn "SELECT prepared"; unshift @INC,\&_dbLoader; warn "Prepended \&_dbLoader to \@INC"; }; if (my $error=$@) { Carp::confess $@; }; }; # BEGIN: END { print STDERR sprintf("%40s\t%s\n",$_,$INC{$_}) for (sort grep { $INC{$_} !~ m{^([A-Za-z]:|/)}} keys %INC); }; # END: 1;

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Re^2: Coderefs and @INC
by clueless newbie (Curate) on Jul 03, 2018 at 19:57 UTC


    Tried it on my machine (perl 5.24 64 bit and perl 5.20 32bit) at home and it was successful! Weird!"

    Big thanks!

    I wonder how one gets the other forms to work.

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