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Re^2: A more elegant way to filter a nested hash? Benchmarks!

by Veltro (Hermit)
on Jun 06, 2018 at 21:49 UTC ( [id://1216066]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: A more elegant way to filter a nested hash? Benchmarks!
in thread A more elegant way to filter a nested hash?

Hi jimpudar, thanks for posting those results. Although the tests are probably fine for the original problem that you posted I had the same concerns as vr. I think the payload is too small for testing so I started to do some testing myself.

Just for the fun of it, I creating some tests that use much bigger hash structures in memory (my aim was memory sizes up to 1.2 to 1.8 Gb of data). Also I wanted some variance in the nature on how the hash is created. E.g. Hashes with lot's of values and fewer hashes vs. Hashes with lot's of hashes containing fewer values. And small filters vs. big filters

Here are the results of my tests:

1. Hash depth = 10. Lot's of values vs. lot's of hashes. Generating in loops that run 17 times. ~300k hashes. Filter 70% hashes and 88% values of original hash. 10 test cycles. Memory usage approx. 1.4 Gb.

Number of Hashes = 305798 Number of Values = 4892785 Number of Hashes Filtered = 268718 Number of Values Filtered = 3435051 Filtering 88% Hashes Filtering 70% Values s/iter map_grep_2 map_grep slice recursive iterati +ve map_grep_2 6.29 -- -1% -8% -10% -1 +6% map_grep 6.22 1% -- -7% -9% -1 +5% slice 5.81 8% 7% -- -2% - +9% recursive 5.68 11% 10% 2% -- - +7% iterative 5.27 19% 18% 10% 8% +--

iterative seems to perform very well under these circumstances. I ran this test multiple times, occasionally recursive or slice wins

2. Hash depth = 10. Lot's of values vs. lot's of hashes. Generating in loops that run 17 times. ~400k hashes. Filter 50% hashes and 10% values of original hash. 10 test cycles. Memory usage approx. 1.7 Gb.

Number of Hashes = 405929 Number of Values = 6494881 Number of Hashes Filtered = 203883 Number of Values Filtered = 660915 Filtering 50% Hashes Filtering 10% Values s/iter iterative map_grep map_grep_2 slice recursi +ve iterative 1.67 -- -1% -1% -7% -1 +2% map_grep 1.65 1% -- -0% -6% -1 +1% map_grep_2 1.65 1% 0% -- -6% -1 +0% slice 1.55 7% 6% 6% -- - +5% recursive 1.48 13% 12% 12% 5% +--

3. Hash depth = 10. Lot's of Hashes vs. lot's of values. Generating in loops that run 5 times. ~1.6M hashes. Filter 87% hashes and 69% values of original hash. 10 test cycles. Memory usage approx. 2.4 Gb.

Number of Hashes = 1579338 Number of Values = 6317357 Number of Hashes Filtered = 1369612 Number of Values Filtered = 4362177 Filtering 87% Hashes Filtering 69% Values s/iter map_grep_2 slice map_grep recursive iterati +ve map_grep_2 10.7 -- -0% -3% -6% - +6% slice 10.7 0% -- -3% -6% - +6% map_grep 10.4 3% 3% -- -3% - +3% recursive 10.1 6% 6% 3% -- - +0% iterative 10.0 7% 7% 3% 0% +--

4. Hash depth = 10. Lot's of Hashes vs. lot's of values. Generating in loops that run 5 times. ~1.2M hashes. Filter 40% hashes and 10% values of original hash. 10 test cycles. Memory usage approx. 1.5 Gb.

Number of Hashes = 1226812 Number of Values = 4907253 Number of Hashes Filtered = 492351 Number of Values Filtered = 509410 Filtering 40% Hashes Filtering 10% Values s/iter iterative slice map_grep map_grep_2 recursi +ve iterative 2.56 -- -16% -17% -17% -2 +2% slice 2.15 19% -- -1% -1% - +7% map_grep 2.13 20% 1% -- -0% - +6% map_grep_2 2.12 20% 1% 0% -- - +6% recursive 1.99 28% 8% 7% 6% +--

The last test shows recursive fast, however tests 2 and 4 are as far as I am concerned less interesting since they run a shorter time and only show a difference in a couple of tenth of seconds.

After testing I think that the recursive function is still good solution, although my tests show that it is actually iterative that won the most complex schemes. Some of the algorithms seem to run slower or faster under different circumstances. I generated different hash structures and filter structures and I think that each of these differences may be more or less beneficial to the different algorithms. This I find more important because as far as I am concerned choosing the best algorithm should always be done on based on the biggest time loss.

Eventually I have to conclude, what are we actually optimizing? Readable code vs. a win in one or two seconds for processing gigabytes of data?

Sorry for not adding mr_ron's tests. I couldn't get it to work

I did optimize the slice method though, it had an extra keys instruction that was not needed, but I also added the check for valid filter:

sub hash_slice { my $n ; my @keysToGet = keys %{$_[1]}; @{$n}{@keysToGet} = @{$_[0]}{@keysToGet}; foreach ( @keysToGet ) { if ( ref $_[1]->{ $_ } eq 'HASH' ) { croak "bad filter: on '$_', expected HASH\n" unless ( ref +$_[0]->{ $_ } eq 'HASH' ) ; $n->{$_} = hash_slice( $_[0]->{$_}, $_[1]->{$_} ); } } return $n ; }

Here's the code that I used:

#! /usr/bin/env perl use strict ; use warnings ; use Data::Dumper ; use Carp ; use Test::More ; use Benchmark qw(timethese cmpthese) ; use Deep::Hash::Utils qw(reach nest deepvalue) ; BEGIN { sub round { my $number = shift ; return int( $number + .5 * ( $number <=> 0 ) ) ; } sub _nextUnique { my $uniqueNmbr = 1 ; my $uniqueVal = -1 ; return sub { my $unique = '' ; ++$uniqueVal ; if ( ( int ( $uniqueVal / 256**$uniqueNmbr ) ) == 1 ) { ++$uniqueNmbr ; --$uniqueVal ; for ( my $i = $uniqueNmbr ; $i > 0 ; --$i ) { $unique = $unique . chr( 0 ) ; } return $unique } my $copyUniqueVal = $uniqueVal ; for ( my $i = $uniqueNmbr ; $i > 0 ; --$i ) { my $devider = 256**($i - 1) ; ( my $c, $copyUniqueVal ) = ( int $copyUniqueVal / $de +vider, $copyUniqueVal % $devider ) ; $unique = chr( $c ) . $unique ; } return $unique ; } } *nextUnique = _nextUnique ; # Test nextUnique # for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < 65538 ; ++$i ) { # my $u = nextUnique() ; # my @ASCII = unpack( "C*", $u ) ; # print $i . " @ASCII" . "\n" ; # } } sub throwDice { my $dice = { # The value and relative chance 1 => 1, 2 => 1, 3 => 1, 4 => 1, 5 => 1 } ; my $retitems = [] ; my $total = 5 ; my $nmbr = 2 ; # Roll two dices for( my $i = 1; $i <= $nmbr ; ++$i ) { my $rnd = rand( $total ) ; my $counter = 0 ; foreach ( keys %{ $dice } ) { $counter = $counter + $dice->{ $_ } ; if ( $rnd < $counter ) { push( @{ $retitems }, $_ ) ; last ; } } } return $retitems ; } # Test throwDice # my $numbers = throwDice() ; # print "numbers = @{$numbers}\n" ; my $nH = 0 ; # Number of Hashes my $nV = 0 ; # Number of Values sub createHash { # This sub is super random in nature, will sometimes take a couple + of Mb's and other times Gb's my $depth = $_[0] // 0 ; ++$depth ; my $s = {} ; my $f = {} ; # Test 1 and 2 for ( my $i = 1 ; $i <= 17 ; ++$i ) { # Test 3 and 4 # for ( my $i = 1 ; $i <= 5 ; ++$i ) { my $rnd = throwDice() ; # Test 1 and 2 # Less hashes, more values if ( $rnd->[0] > 4 && $depth <= 10 ) { # Test 3 and 4 # More hashes, less values # if ( $rnd->[0] > 1 && $depth <= 10 ) { my $key = nextUnique() ; my $randval = rand( 1 ) ; # $rnd->[1] > ... # > 0 means 100% chance to add it in the filter, > 1 = 80% +, > 2 = 60%, > 3 = 40%, > 4 = 20%, > 5 = 0% # Note that this is not the total chance, the filter may b +e discarded. # To decrease the chance that an ENTIRE hash branch is rej +ected in the filter, # on top of this an additional 10% chance multiplier is ad +ded ( See: $randval > 0.1 ) # Test 1 and 3 if ( ( $rnd->[1] > 1 ) || ( $randval > 0.1 ) ) { # Test 2 and 4 # if ( ( $rnd->[1] > 4 ) || ( $randval > 0.1 ) ) { ++$nH ; ( $s->{ $key }, $f->{ $key } ) = createHash( $depth ) +; # IF $f->{ $key } IS {} THEN DELETE $f->{ $key } (Not +a valid filter for testing) if ( !(%{$f->{ $key }}) ) { delete $f->{ $key } ; } } else { ++$nH ; ( $s->{ $key }, undef ) = createHash( $depth ) ; # undef, hash is discarded (not added to the filter) } } else { my $key = nextUnique() ; my $value = $depth . '.' . $i . "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY +Z" ; ++$nV ; $s->{ $key } = $value ; # $rnd->[1] > ... # > 0 means 100% chance to add it in the filter, > 1 = 80% +, > 2 = 60%, > 3 = 40%, > 4 = 20%, > 5 = 0% # Note that this is not the total chance, the filter may b +e discarded # Test 1 and 3 if ( $rnd->[1] > 1 ) { # Test 2 and 4 # if ( $rnd->[1] > 4 ) { $f->{ $key } = 1 ; } } } return ($s, $f) ; } my $nHF = 0 ; # Number of Hashes Filtered my $nVF = 0 ; # Number of Values Filtered sub countHashesAndValuesFilter { my $f = shift ; foreach ( keys %{ $f } ) { my $k = $_ ; if ( ref $f->{ $k } eq 'HASH' ) { ++$nHF; countHashesAndValuesFilter( $f->{ $k } ) ; } else { ++$nVF; } } } my ( $source, $filter ) = createHash() ; countHashesAndValuesFilter( $filter ) ; print "Created test hash\n" ; if ( $nH < 100000 || $nV < 100000 ) { # Can probably be set higher, but at least it helps a little bit t +o get better test data print "Invalid, test again\n" ; exit(0) ; } print "Number of Hashes = $nH\n" ; print "Number of Values = $nV\n" ; print "Number of Hashes Filtered = $nHF\n" ; print "Number of Values Filtered = $nVF\n" ; print "Filtering " . round(($nHF/$nH)*100) . "% Hashes\n" ; print "Filtering " . round(($nVF/$nV)*100) . "% Values\n" ; sleep( 2 ) ; sub hash_filter_recursive { my $source = shift; my $filter = shift; my %output; foreach ( keys %$filter ) { if ( exists $source->{$_} ) { if ( ref $filter->{$_} eq 'HASH' ) { croak "bad filter: on '$_', expected HASH\n" unless ( ref $source->{$_} eq 'HASH' ); $output{$_} = hash_filter_recursive( $source->{$_}, $filter->{ +$_} ); } else { $output{$_} = $source->{$_}; } } } return \%output; } sub hash_filter_iterative { my $source = shift; my $filter = shift; my $output = {}; my @queue = ( [ $source, $filter, $output ] ); while ( my $a = shift @queue ) { my ( $s, $f, $o ) = @{$a}; foreach ( keys %$f ) { if ( exists $s->{$_} ) { if ( ref $f->{$_} eq 'HASH' ) { croak "bad filter: on '$_', expected HASH\n" unless ( ref $s->{$_} eq 'HASH' ); $o->{$_} = {}; push @queue, [ $s->{$_}, $f->{$_}, $o->{$_} ]; } else { $o->{$_} = $s->{$_}; } } } } return $output; } sub hash_filter_delete { my $source = shift; my $filter = shift; foreach ( keys %$source ) { if ( exists $filter->{$_} ) { if ( ref $filter->{$_} eq 'HASH' ) { croak "bad filter: on '$_', expected HASH\n" unless ( ref $source->{$_} eq 'HASH' ); hash_filter_delete( $source->{$_}, $filter->{$_} ); } } else { delete $source->{$_}; } } return $source; } sub hash_slice { # contributed by Veltro # Veltro: Made more efficient by using @keysToGet instead of anoth +er keys instruction. Also added croak in case filter is not valid. my $n ; my @keysToGet = keys %{$_[1]}; @{$n}{@keysToGet} = @{$_[0]}{@keysToGet}; foreach ( @keysToGet ) { if ( ref $_[1]->{ $_ } eq 'HASH' ) { croak "bad filter: on '$_', expected HASH\n" unless ( ref +$_[0]->{ $_ } eq 'HASH' ) ; $n->{$_} = hash_slice( $_[0]->{$_}, $_[1]->{$_} ); } } return $n ; } sub map_grep { # contributed by shmem my $source = shift; my $filter = shift; return { map { ref $filter->{$_} eq 'HASH' ? ref $source->{$_} eq 'HASH' ? ( $_, map_grep( $source->{$_}, $filter->{$_} ) ) : croak "bad filter: on '$_', expected HASH\n" : ( $_, $source->{$_} ) } grep { exists $source->{$_} } keys %$filter }; } sub map_grep_2 { # contributed by shmem return { map { ref $_[1]->{$_} eq 'HASH' ? ref $_[0]->{$_} eq 'HASH' ? ( $_, map_grep_2( $_[0]->{$_}, $_[1]->{$_} ) ) : croak "bad filter: on '$_', expected HASH\n" : ( $_, $_[0]->{$_} ) } grep { exists $_[0]->{$_} } keys %{ $_[1] } }; } sub hash_deep_utils { # contributed by mr_ron my ( $source, $filter ) = @_; my %rc; while ( my @l = reach($filter) ) { pop @l; if ( defined( my $source_val = deepvalue( $source, @l ) ) ) { # hint: work around nest behavior on even vs odd key count nest( \%rc, @l )->{ $l[$#l] } = $source_val; } } \%rc; } my $t = { source => $source, filter => $filter, output => map_grep_2($source, $filter) } ; $nHF = 0 ; $nVF = 0 ; # Using this function again to do some additional checks countHashesAndValuesFilter( $t->{ output } ) ; print "Values should be the same as filter values:\n" ; print "Number of hashes in output: $nHF\n" ; print "Number of values in output: $nVF\n" ; # Veltro: Removed hash_filter_delete, I don't trust that it will leave + the test hash in tact is_deeply( $_->( $t->{source}, $t->{filter} ), $t->{output} ) foreach +( \&hash_filter_recursive, \&hash_filter_iterative, \&hash_slice, \&m +ap_grep, \&map_grep_2 ); cmpthese( 10, { recursive => sub { hash_filter_recursive( $t->{source}, $t->{filt +er} ) }, iterative => sub { hash_filter_iterative( $t->{source}, $t->{filt +er} ) }, # delete => sub { hash_filter_delete( $t->{source}, $t->{fi +lter} ) }, map_grep_2 => sub { map_grep_2( $t->{source}, $t->{filt +er} ) }, map_grep => sub { map_grep( $t->{source}, $t->{filt +er} ) }, slice => sub { hash_slice( $t->{source}, $t->{filt +er} ) }, } ); # Check if the data is still the same after testing is_deeply( $_->( $t->{source}, $t->{filter} ), $t->{output} ) foreach +( \&hash_filter_recursive, \&hash_filter_iterative, \&hash_slice, \&m +ap_grep, \&map_grep_2 ); done_testing();
Note: I posted on June 6th, but then I found out that the code was actually not working correctly... So I had to fix the code and update the Benchmark tests and conclusions on the 7th. Code is the last version I used.

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Re^3: A more elegant way to filter a nested hash? Benchmarks!
by jimpudar (Pilgrim) on Jun 08, 2018 at 00:08 UTC

    Very nice, thanks for putting this together!

    I think we have proved that for 99% of the time, the recursive solution is best as it is the easiest to understand and maintain.



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