Random_Walk has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Good $localtime dear monks

I am using the MediaWiki API to create a page updating bot. I got through some problems getting my headers accepted thanks to help from bliako in the thread Rest::Client Headers not getting through. But now I still can't get wiki to accept the token it gives me. From some googling I understand you need to get a token, then hand it over along with a login request to link that token to a logged in session. This is all I'm trying here, but when I send the token I just got, I get the error 'WrongToken'

#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper; use MIME::Base64; use JSON; use REST::Client; use Getopt::Long; use HTTP::Cookies; use URI::Escape; use Sys::Hostname; $|++; # Output buffering off my $wiki = 'https://wikihost'; my $api = '/mediawiki/api.php'; my $JSON = JSON->new->allow_nonref; # Create rest client and set some options my $client = REST::Client->new(); $client->setHost($wiki); my $ua = $client->getUseragent(); # Get the LWP User agent $ua->ssl_opts(verify_hostname => 0); my $cookie_jar = HTTP::Cookies->new( file => "/tmp/lwp_cookies.dat", autosave => 1, ignore_discard => 1, ); $ua->cookie_jar( $cookie_jar ); # Give the chap a cookie # First get a token. This works my $request = 'action=query&meta=tokens&type=login&format=json'; my $result = post($request); print Dumper $result; my $token = uri_escape( $result->{query}{tokens}{logintoken} ); print "URI Escaped Token: $token\n"; # Now we log in with that token. I've tried both the below requests $request = 'action=login&lgname=Marvin&lgpassword=ldiode&lgtoken=$toke +n&lgdomain=wikihost&format=json'; # $request = 'action=login&lgname=Marvin&lgpassword=ldiode&lgtoken=$to +ken&format=json'; $result = post($request); print Dumper $result; sub post { my $query = shift @_; $client->POST($api, $query, {'Content-type' => 'application/x-www- +form-urlencoded'}); if ( $client->responseCode() == 200 ) { return $JSON->decode( $client->responseContent() ); } else { print "Failed with code $client->responseCode()\n"; print Dumper $client->responseContent(); } }
And this is the output I get
./ $VAR1 = { 'batchcomplete' => '', 'query' => { 'tokens' => { 'logintoken' => '3de22ae8b84f7190 +35b25e69ae7b33655b06705a+\\' } } }; URI Escaped Token: 3de22ae8b84f719035b25e69ae7b33655b06705a%2B%5C $VAR1 = { 'login' => { 'result' => 'WrongToken' } };
Does anyone see any obvious errors in my code, or know the wiki API well enough to spot my error. The one thing I am not sure about is cookie handling. I have cargo culted that cookie setup from various example found on t'web. Should that cookie setup be sensible, or an I best to clear the cookie file between runs? Or have the cookies nothing to do with what's going on here?

Thanks in Advance,

Pereant, qui ante nos nostra dixerunt!