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Re^2: combinations of multiple variables which can assume multiple values

by vr (Curate)
on Mar 17, 2018 at 13:42 UTC ( [id://1211133]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: combinations of multiple variables which can assume multiple values
in thread combinations of multiple variables which can assume multiple values

Cool. Here is generalization for "n dimensions", e.g. I want an exhaustive list of combinations to build Perl variable names according to some pattern (silly example):

use strict; use warnings; use feature 'say'; use Algorithm::Combinatorics 'variations_with_repetition'; use List::MoreUtils 'pairwise'; use Data::Dump 'dd'; my @subsets = ( [ qw/ $ @ % /], [ qw/ p q r s /], [ qw/ 0 1 /], ); my $base = shift @subsets; my $var_len = @$base; my @solutions = [ map [$_], @$base ]; for my $subset ( @subsets ) { my @variations = variations_with_repetition( $subset, $var_len ); @solutions = map { my $sol = $_; map [ pairwise { [ @$a, $b ] } @$sol, @$_ ], @variations } @solutions; } dd \@solutions;


[["\$", "p", 0], ["\@", "p", 0], ["%", "p", 0]], [["\$", "p", 0], ["\@", "p", 0], ["%", "p", 1]], [["\$", "p", 0], ["\@", "p", 1], ["%", "p", 0]], [["\$", "p", 0], ["\@", "p", 1], ["%", "p", 1]], [["\$", "p", 1], ["\@", "p", 0], ["%", "p", 0]], [["\$", "p", 1], ["\@", "p", 0], ["%", "p", 1]], [["\$", "p", 1], ["\@", "p", 1], ["%", "p", 0]], [["\$", "p", 1], ["\@", "p", 1], ["%", "p", 1]], [["\$", "p", 0], ["\@", "p", 0], ["%", "q", 0]], [["\$", "p", 0], ["\@", "p", 0], ["%", "q", 1]], [["\$", "p", 0], ["\@", "p", 1], ["%", "q", 0]], [["\$", "p", 0], ["\@", "p", 1], ["%", "q", 1]], [["\$", "p", 1], ["\@", "p", 0], ["%", "q", 0]], [["\$", "p", 1], ["\@", "p", 0], ["%", "q", 1]], [["\$", "p", 1], ["\@", "p", 1], ["%", "q", 0]], [["\$", "p", 1], ["\@", "p", 1], ["%", "q", 1]], [["\$", "p", 0], ["\@", "p", 0], ["%", "r", 0]], ... ... total 512 solutions

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