in reply to combinations of multiple variables which can assume multiple values

Lacking the magic of solutions by LanX or choroba, this solution uses Algorithm::Combinatorics and List::MoreUtils.
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Algorithm::Combinatorics 'variations_with_repetition'; use List::MoreUtils 'pairwise'; my @a = 1 .. 3; my @b = qw/a b/; my @c; my $iter = variations_with_repetition (\@b, scalar @a); while (my $tuple = $iter->next) { no warnings 'once'; # silence warnings about $a $b only used once my @temp = pairwise { [$a,$b] } @a, @$tuple; push @c, \@temp; } use Data::Dump; dd \@c;
Dump output:
[ [[1, "a"], [2, "a"], [3, "a"]], [[1, "a"], [2, "a"], [3, "b"]], [[1, "a"], [2, "b"], [3, "a"]], [[1, "a"], [2, "b"], [3, "b"]], [[1, "b"], [2, "a"], [3, "a"]], [[1, "b"], [2, "a"], [3, "b"]], [[1, "b"], [2, "b"], [3, "a"]], [[1, "b"], [2, "b"], [3, "b"]], ]