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rename files

by flieckster (Scribe)
on Feb 02, 2018 at 19:28 UTC ( [id://1208346]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

flieckster has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hi there, i have a series of files with the word "white" in them that needs to be updated to "main". i got it to sort the files to move the "_white" but can't get it to rename. 76035265_001_white.tif 76035265_102_white.tif 76035266_001_white.tif

my $mybadmatch="_white.tif"; chdir( $tiff ) or mail ($to = $dllist, $from = $dllist, $subject= "can + not move $file", $body ="can not move $file" ); (@tiff_list) = glob "*tif"; my $upload_count = @tiff_list; foreach my $file (@tiff_list) { if ($file =~ m/$mybadmatch/is) { print "$file is white background match\n"; my $old = "$tiff$file"; my $new = "$whitefiles"; copy ($old, $new) or mail ($to = $dllist, $from = $dllist, $subject= " +can not move $file", $body ="can not move $file" ); open FILE, '>> /Users/flieckb/Desktop/whitefiles.txt' or warn $!; print FILE "$date\t$file\t"; print FILE "\n"; } else { print "$file :normal production image\n"; } } close FILE; chdir( $whitefiles ) or mail ($to = $dllist, $from = $dllist, $subject += "can not get to $whitefiles", $body ="can not get to $whitefiles") +; (@white_list) = glob "*tif"; foreach $file (@white_list) { my $oldfile = $file; # s/.* //g; rename($oldfile, $file); }

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: rename files
by Laurent_R (Canon) on Feb 02, 2018 at 20:11 UTC
    Your program is using variables that have not been declared and initialized. The first step should be to add these pragmas to your programs:
    use strict; use warnings;
    This will show a number of errors and/or warnings that you should then correct.

    BTW, is here anything wrong with properly indenting your programs? Consistent indentation is not optional, it is essential to the human reader.

    Fix these things and come back and ask if it's still not working properly. My fellow monks and myself will be delighted to help you further once you show us a corrected program.

      sorry i should have shown the entire thing. i was hiding the top half because there was info i didn't want to share
      #!/usr/bin/perl -w use Net::FTP; use File::Copy; use Net::SMTP; use File::Basename; use Email::Send::SMTP::Gmail; use File::Rename; use POSIX qw(strftime); my $date = strftime("%m-%d-%y",localtime); my $time = strftime("%I:%M:%S",localtime); ###############define all the folders in this game############## my $whitefiles = "/Users/flieckb/Desktop/aero_2push_white/"; my $tiff = "/Users/flieckb/Desktop/aero_tiff/"; my $mybadmatch="_white.tif"; my $dllist=''; ################################################################ my $current = "$date"; chomp $current; chomp $date; sub mail{ our($mail,$error)=Email::Send::SMTP::Gmail->new( -smtp=>' +m', -login=>'XXXXXX', -pass=>'XXXX', -port=> '25', -debug=> 1, -timeout=> 1000); $mail->send(-to=>"$to", -from=>"$from", -subject=>"$subject", -body=>" +$body", -contenttype=>"text/html"); $mail->bye; } my $mybadmatch="_white.tif"; chdir( $tiff ) or mail ($to = $dllist, $from = $dllist, $subject= "can + not move $file", $body ="can not move $file" ); (@tiff_list) = glob "*tif"; my $upload_count = @tiff_list; foreach my $file (@tiff_list) { if ($file =~ m/$mybadmatch/is) { print "$file is white background match\n"; my $old = "$tiff$file"; my $new = "$whitefiles"; copy ($old, $new) or mail ($to = $dllist, $from = $dllist, $subject= " +can not move $file", $body ="can not move $file" ); open FILE, '>> /Users/flieckb/Desktop/whitefiles.txt' or warn $!; print FILE "$date\t$file\t"; print FILE "\n"; } else { print "$file :normal production image\n"; } } close FILE; chdir( $whitefiles ) or mail ($to = $dllist, $from = $dllist, $subject += "can not get to $whitefiles", $body ="can not get to $whitefiles") +; (@white_list) = glob "*tif"; foreach $file (@white_list) { my $oldfile = $file; # s/.* //g; rename($oldfile, $file); }

        Adapt as required

        #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Time::Piece; use File::Copy; my $path = '/Users/flieckb/Desktop/'; my $logfile = $path.'whitefiles.txt'; my $tiff = $path.'aero_tiff/'; my $whitefiles = $path.'aero_2push_white/'; my $mybadmatch = '_white.tif'; my $date = localtime->ymd; unless (-d $tiff){ die "$tiff does not exist"; } unless (-d $whitefiles){ die "$whitefiles does not exist"; } chdir( $tiff ) or die "$!"; my @tiff_list = glob "*tif"; my $upload_count = @tiff_list; open FILE, '>>', $logfile or die "Could not open $logfile : $!"; foreach my $file (@tiff_list) { if ( $file =~ /$mybadmatch/i ){ print "$file is white background match\n"; my $old = $tiff.$file; print "Copying $old to $whitefiles\n"; copy($old, $whitefiles) or warn "$!"; print FILE "$date\t$file\t\n"; } else { print "$file :normal production image\n"; } } close FILE; chdir( $whitefiles ) or die "$!"; my @white_list = glob "*tif"; foreach my $old (@white_list) { my $new = $old; if ($new =~ s/white/main/i){ print "Renaming $old to $new\n"; rename($old, $new) or warn "$!"; } }
Re: rename files
by mandarin (Hermit) on Feb 05, 2018 at 16:51 UTC

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