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Parks Puzzle

by aartist (Pilgrim)
on Jan 16, 2018 at 22:19 UTC ( [id://1207373]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

aartist has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I am trying to solve Parks Puzzle It's an android app. You have to plant a tree (or 2) in the grid horizontally, vertically and in adjacent cells of similar colors. It is a very addictive puzzle. There are several layers. I am thinking of writing a solver for fun. The interesting part from my perspective is coming up with the basic rules and let those rules drive the solution. I appreciate any guidelines, if you have solving this or similar puzzles pragmatically. I like to start with fundamental design/code and then apply my rules to solve it.

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Parks Puzzle
by tybalt89 (Monsignor) on Jan 16, 2018 at 23:37 UTC

    This is my basic puzzle solver method.
    Keep a queue of partial solutions. Throw out ones that violate the rules.
    Then add new partial solutions (one for each square of the next color) on the queue.
    You're solved if no colors are left, because you've put a tree in each color, and you fail if the queue is empty.

    Simple, eh?

    #!/usr/bin/perl # use strict; use warnings; my $start = <<END; GRBBB GRBBW ORBBW OOOWW OOOOW END my $gap = $start =~ /\n/ && $-[0] - 1; my $egap = $gap + 2; my @queue = $start; while( @queue ) { local $_ = shift @queue; /#.*#/ and next; # same row /#(?:.{$gap}..)*.{$gap}.#/s and next; # same column /#(.{$gap,$egap}|)#/s and next; # adjacent trees if( /[A-Z]/ ) # pick a color { push @queue, "$`#$'" =~ s/$&/\l$&/gr while /$&/g; } else { print "$start\nwin with\n\n$_"; exit; } } die "failed to find solution\n";

      Simple, eh?

      It gets simpler after you look up @-, $`, $&, $', \l modifier, add a couple of data dumps, think through the regex greediness and backtracking, dig into precedence..

      /#.*#/ and next; # same row

      That is pretty easy to see how it works, without the /s modifier, . does not match newline, so two #s in the same line. Your comment spells it out, but it makes your intent clear for the next couple lines which are a little bit harder to see how they work.

      /#(?:.{$gap}..)*.{$gap}.#/s and next; # same column

      The greediness of the first portion (?:.{$gap}..)* marches the regex all the way to the end of the grid while .{$gap}.# backtracks so it tries to make a match.

      Then of course the best line and, also would like to mention that, I super searched for 'while /$&/g' just to see if it was somewhere else, and only this node came up making it pretty unique.

      push @queue, "$`#$'" =~ s/$&/\l$&/gr while /$&/g;

      That line makes me love and hate perl at the same time. Creating and pushing the partial solutions to @queue in one line. It iterates through the grid, for the letter it has matched earlier [A-Z], adds this grid with the instance of the letter changed to #, and all other instances of the letter lowercased with \l.

      The alternation operator in /#(.{$gap,$egap}|)#/s is not used or maybe I don't understand, I think perl should not compile that, but

      print 'yes' if 'a' =~ /(b|)/;

      works and matches, so back to the books, seems that empty alternations always match, so that means this alternative is checking for two '#'s in a row, which would already be matched by that point. In other search result coincidences, exactly one year ago today, someone tried to get perl critic to disallow empty alternations.

      Very neat solution to a fun problem, easy enough to dig into and understand a little bit more perl. Thanks for sharing.

        Good catch on the empty alternative! As far as I can tell it's there from the beginning when I tried to write the three tests in one regex. I missed it when I split them up to make them clearer. It doesn't hurt anything, however.

        The line push @queue, "$`#$'" =~ s/$&/\l$&/gr while /$&/g; made me giggle a little when I wrote it :)
        I often giggle when writing perl, it's one heck of a great language.

Re: Parks Puzzle
by davies (Prior) on Jan 17, 2018 at 08:46 UTC

    I don't know this particular puzzle, but whenever I see anything that might involve trial & error, I consider Dancing Links ( Masak gave a talk on this to the London Perl Workshop >5 years ago. It is probably on line somewhere, but I have no idea where. He used Perl 6 in his examples, but the techniques were certainly obvious to me.


    John Davies

    Update: having had a VERY quick look at the site (it's not something I want to get), my first thought is that it is a variant on the N queens problem. See, for example, Efficient N-Queen solution with Perl.

Re: Parks Puzzle
by stevieb (Canon) on Jan 16, 2018 at 22:26 UTC

    Please, you've been a member longer than I have. Show some code before you throw out such a broad request.

Re: Parks Puzzle
by tybalt89 (Monsignor) on Jan 20, 2018 at 12:54 UTC

    Let's solve it with a simple? regex :)

    #!/usr/bin/perl -l # use strict; # regex Parks Puzzle use warnings; use re 'eval'; print "Initial grid:\n\n", my $board = <<END; GRBBB GRBBW ORBBW OOOWW OOOOW END my $N = $board =~ /\n/ && $-[0]; my @letters = sort keys %{{ map {;$_, $_} $board =~ /\w/g }}; my @squares; push @squares, "$&" . $` =~ tr/\n// . ',' . length($`) % ($N + 1) while $board =~ /\w/g; $_ = join ' ', sort @squares; # string to be matched print "String to be matched (color,row,col):\n\n$_"; my $count = 0; my $regex = ''; for my $color ( @letters ) { my $y = 2 * $count + 1; my $x = $y + 1; $count and $regex .= ".*\n"; $regex .= "$color(\\d+),(\\d+)\\b\n"; my @tests; for my $prev ( 0 .. $count - 1 ) { my $yy = 2 * $prev + 1; my $xx = $yy + 1; push @tests, "\$$yy == \$$y", "\$$xx == \$$x", # same row & sam +e col "abs \$$yy - \$$y < 2 && abs \$$xx - \$$x < 2" # diagonal neigh +bor ; } @tests and $regex .= "(??{" . join(' || ', @tests) . " ? 'fail' : '' +})\n"; $count++; } print "\nRegex (match one of each color with conditions):\n\n$regex"; my $matches = join ' ', /$regex/x; # let regex do the hard + work print "Captures from regex (row,col pairs of solution):\n\n$matches\n" +; my $grid = $board =~ s/\w/-/gr; # build grid & insert + answer substr $grid, $1 * ($N + 1) + $2, 1, shift @letters while $matches =~ /(\d+) (\d+)/g; print "Formatted solution:\n\n$grid";


    Initial grid: GRBBB GRBBW ORBBW OOOWW OOOOW String to be matched (color,row,col): B0,2 B0,3 B0,4 B1,2 B1,3 B2,2 B2,3 G0,0 G1,0 O2,0 O3,0 O3,1 O3,2 O4,0 +O4,1 O4,2 O4,3 R0,1 R1,1 R2,1 W1,4 W2,4 W3,3 W3,4 W4,4 Regex (match one of each color with conditions): B(\d+),(\d+)\b .* G(\d+),(\d+)\b (??{$1 == $3 || $2 == $4 || abs $1 - $3 < 2 && abs $2 - $4 < 2 ? 'fail +' : ''}) .* O(\d+),(\d+)\b (??{$1 == $5 || $2 == $6 || abs $1 - $5 < 2 && abs $2 - $6 < 2 || $3 = += $5 || $4 == $6 || abs $3 - $5 < 2 && abs $4 - $6 < 2 ? 'fail' : ''} +) .* R(\d+),(\d+)\b (??{$1 == $7 || $2 == $8 || abs $1 - $7 < 2 && abs $2 - $8 < 2 || $3 = += $7 || $4 == $8 || abs $3 - $7 < 2 && abs $4 - $8 < 2 || $5 == $7 || + $6 == $8 || abs $5 - $7 < 2 && abs $6 - $8 < 2 ? 'fail' : ''}) .* W(\d+),(\d+)\b (??{$1 == $9 || $2 == $10 || abs $1 - $9 < 2 && abs $2 - $10 < 2 || $3 + == $9 || $4 == $10 || abs $3 - $9 < 2 && abs $4 - $10 < 2 || $5 == $ +9 || $6 == $10 || abs $5 - $9 < 2 && abs $6 - $10 < 2 || $7 == $9 || +$8 == $10 || abs $7 - $9 < 2 && abs $8 - $10 < 2 ? 'fail' : ''}) Captures from regex (row,col pairs of solution): 1 3 0 0 4 2 2 1 3 4 Formatted solution: G---- ---B- -R--- ----W --O--

      Thank you, for the wonderful solution that works for puzzle.

      Having said that, my original idea is to provide rules to human being to solve the puzzle with limited observation at a time. For example, simple observation that if it finds any color is occupied by only a single row or columns than all the other cell of that row or column are 'blanked'. simple rules. It is more about detecting small patterns in the data visually and provide an action associated with it. Pattern needs to be small enough to be identified visually. Thus, in other words, I am looking for helping hand algorithm rather than brute force solution. It is like see the 'X' if you can and do the 'Y'. In the end, solution will be there.

        In setting up a game playing program to allow easy addition of patterns (see X -> do Y), I discovered the complete list of patterns for this puzzle:

        1. Find a square that, if you plant a tree there, will cause the elimination of at least one color. Mark that square as unavailable.
        2. Repeat step 1. until solved.

        That's it :)

        Here's the code for it:

        #!/usr/bin/perl # use strict; use warnings; print local $_ = my $grid = <<END, "starting\n"; GRBBB GRBBW ORBBW OOOWW OOOOW END my $N = $grid =~ /\n/ && $-[0]; my $n = $N - 1; sub clear # the no longer available squares { my $pick = qr/[a-z]/; local $_ = shift; 1 while s/\w(?=.*?$pick)/-/ + s/$pick.*?\K\w/-/ # row + s/\w(?=(?:.{$N}.)*.{$N}$pick)/-/s # column + s/$pick(?:.{$N}.)*.{$N}\K\w/-/s # column + s/$pick.{$n}(..)?\K\w/-/s # lower diagonals + s/\w(?=.{$n}(..)?$pick)/-/s # upper diagonals ; return $_; } sub missingcolor { $N > keys %{{ map +($_, $_), shift =~ /\w/g }} } while( /[A-Z]/g ) # mark square to '-' if tree there causes a missing +color { missingcolor( lc clear( "$`\l$&$'" ) ) and $_ = "$`-$'", print $_, ' ' x $N, " mark ", $-[0] % ($N + 1), ',', int $-[0] / ($N + 1), "\n"; # x,y coords } print s/[A-Z]/$&/g == $N ? "\nSolved!\n" : "Failed\n";

        It prints a grid for each step of the solution (slightly more than 120 lines).

Re: Parks Puzzle
by Anonymous Monk on Jan 18, 2018 at 15:56 UTC
    GNU Prolog (gprolog) can solve this sort of puzzle – as well as things like Sudoku or "the girl with the red lipstick is not sitting next to the boy with the green sweater" logic problems. It's free and surprisingly fun to play with.

      So let's see the Prolog code for your fun solution to Parks Puzzle...

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