Anonymous Monk has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hello Monks

I am in need to read the output of an external exe program (pdftotxt.exe) and use it programmatically in my scripts. With the following script no problem at all:

use strict; use warnings; my $cmd = qq(pdftotext "a.pdf" - |); my $pid = open (FILE, $cmd) or die "Couldn't spawn [$cmd]: $! / $?"; print my $text = do { local($/); <FILE> }; close FILE;

The problem is that this works only if I run the script from the Shell (Windows 10). Now I need to find a way to run it whitout a Shell being there (I need to create myself a exe file and hide the Shell using PerlApp. In this case the produced exe doesn't work. No error message but $text stays empty.

Any suggestions?