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Re^3: PRNG/TRNG Cesaro's theorem

by marioroy (Prior)
on Oct 09, 2017 at 03:59 UTC ( [id://1200962]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^2: PRNG/TRNG Cesaro's theorem
in thread PRNG/TRNG Cesaro's theorem

MCE 1.831 and MCE::Shared 1.832 have been released containing the fix. What follows is the parallel demonstration for danaj's example. For sequence of numbers, the MCE bounds_only option is handy. Workers receive the begin and end values only.

use strict; use warnings; use ntheory 0.67 ":all"; use MCE::Flow 1.831; my ( $name, $rng ); my %rand = ( "drand48" => sub { int(rand(1 << 32)) }, "ChaCha20" => sub { irand64() }, "/dev/urandom" => sub { unpack("Q", random_bytes(8)) } ); # Workers receive [ begin, end ] values. MCE::Flow::init( max_workers => MCE::Util::get_ncpu(), chunk_size => 10000, bounds_only => 1, user_begin => sub { $name = MCE->user_args()->[0]; $rng = $rand{ $name }; } ); sub func { my ( $beg_seq, $end_seq ) = @{ $_ }; my ( $t ) = ( 0 ); for ( $beg_seq .. $end_seq ) { $t++ if gcd( $rng->(), $rng->() ) == 1; } MCE->gather($t); } # The user_args option is how to pass arguments. # Workers persist between each run. sub cesaro { my ( $name ) = @_; print "Usage $name:\n"; for my $e ( 1..7 ) { my $n = 10 ** $e; my @ret = mce_flow_s { user_args => [$name] }, \&func, 0, $n - 1; my $t = 0; $t += $_ for @ret; printf "%8d %0.8f\n", $n, sqrt(6 * $n / $t); } printf "%9s %s\n\n", "Pi", Pi(); } for ( "drand48", "ChaCha20", "/dev/urandom" ) { cesaro($_); }


Usage drand48: 10 3.46410162 100 3.11085508 1000 3.12347524 10000 3.15335577 100000 3.14122349 1000000 3.14092649 10000000 3.14209456 Pi 3.14159265358979 Usage ChaCha20: 10 3.46410162 100 3.08606700 1000 3.11588476 10000 3.14606477 100000 3.14461263 1000000 3.14453748 10000000 3.14269499 Pi 3.14159265358979 Usage /dev/urandom: 10 3.16227766 100 3.13625024 1000 3.24727816 10000 3.13959750 100000 3.14238646 1000000 3.14247180 10000000 3.14023908 Pi 3.14159265358979

The parallel code scales linearly. It runs about 4x faster on a machine with 4 "real" cores. A little faster with extra hyper-threads.

Regards, Mario

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Re^4: PRNG/TRNG Cesaro's theorem
by marioroy (Prior) on Oct 09, 2017 at 06:06 UTC

    The OP mentioned (here) on marking down the number pairs whenever gcd(x, y) is equal to 1.

    Here, workers write the number pairs to a shared STDERR file handle. Locking is handled automatically by the shared-manager. For best performance, do not have workers write each pair individually to the shared file handle. Instead, have workers append to a local variable. Writing once per chunk/segment relieves pressure on the shared-manager process, which must keep up with many workers.

    To run, redirect STDERR to a file: perl 2> pairs.txt

    use strict; use warnings; use ntheory 0.67 ":all"; use MCE::Flow 1.831; use MCE::Shared; mce_open my $err_fh, '>>', \*STDERR; my ( $name, $rng ); my %rand = ( "drand48" => sub { int(rand(1 << 32)) }, "ChaCha20" => sub { irand64() }, "/dev/urandom" => sub { unpack("Q", random_bytes(8)) } ); # Workers receive [ begin, end ] values. MCE::Flow::init( max_workers => MCE::Util::get_ncpu(), chunk_size => 10000, bounds_only => 1, user_begin => sub { $name = MCE->user_args()->[0]; $rng = $rand{ $name }; } ); sub func { my ( $beg_seq, $end_seq ) = @{ $_ }; my ( $t, $pairs, $r1, $r2 ) = ( 0, '' ); for ( $beg_seq .. $end_seq ) { ( $r1, $r2 ) = ( $rng->(), $rng->() ); if ( gcd($r1, $r2) == 1 ) { $pairs .= sprintf("%20s %20s\n", $r1, $r2); $t++; } } print $err_fh $pairs; MCE->gather($t); } # The user_args option is how to pass arguments. sub cesaro { my ( $name ) = @_; print "Usage $name:\n"; my $n = 10 ** 5; my @ret = mce_flow_s { user_args => [$name] }, \&func, 0, $n - 1; my $t = 0; $t += $_ for @ret; printf "%8d %0.8f\n", $n, sqrt(6 * $n / $t); printf "%9s %s\n\n", "Pi", Pi(); } cesaro("/dev/urandom");


    Usage /dev/urandom: 100000 3.14168852 Pi 3.14159265358979


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    Regards, Mario

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