if ($col6 =~ /^\Q97517\E/ } elsif $col6 =~ /^\Q97516\E/)) #### col1,col2,col3,col4,col5,col6,col7,col8 1234,GP,20170715,0,V,97517,24,0.6 5678,Pack,20170715,0,V,97516,88,1.8 1234,GP,20170715,0,V,97517,22,0.6 5678,Pack,20170715,0,V,97517,183,3.9 1234,PRS,20170715,0,S,97517,261,5.4 5678,PRS,20170715,0,M,97517,36,0.9 #### #!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use Data::Table; # Load input data from csv file my $dt = Data::Table::fromCSV('data.csv'); # Make a new table that only contains the relevant columns my $st = $dt->subTable(undef, [ 'col2', 'col7', 'col8' ]); # Group by 'col2', calculate sums for 'col7' and 'col8' my $ot = $st->group( ['col2'], # column to group by ['col7', 'col8'], # Columns to perform calculation on [ \&sum, \&sum ], # Apply sum function to 'col7' and 'col8' ['sum_of_col7', 'sum_of_col8'] # Put the sums in these columns ); print $ot->csv, "\n"; sub sum { my @data = @_; my $sum = 0; foreach my $x (@data) { next unless $x; $sum += $x; } return $sum; }