in reply to Converting XLS to HTML

"Within each sheet the HTML seems to be somewhat complex."

Are you talking about the verbose, nonsensical, proprietary output that MS labels "HTML?"

And what is the "extremely basic display" to which you refer? We'd likely be able to make somewhat more sensible answers to your final question (similarity between excel export and S:PE output) if we knew what you're getting now... a difficulty you could cure by adding a snippet of the output to your post (and, NJBTW, a snippet at least from a couple excel sheets).

With luck, you'll get answers to your actual questions here, even without the information I'm asking you to provide... but best to remember: better questions get better answers.

You'll probably find On asking for help and How do I post a question effectively? helpful.

$anecdote ne $data

Questions containing the words "doesn't work" (or their moral equivalent) will usually get a downvote from me unless accompanied by:
  1. code
  2. verbatim error and/or warning messages
  3. a coherent explanation of what "doesn't work actually means.