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Re: Tk - Discipulus 15 puzzle

by tybalt89 (Monsignor)
on Jun 14, 2017 at 14:03 UTC ( [id://1192804]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Tk - Discipulus 15 puzzle

A long time ago in a galaxy (oops, no, a city) far, far away, I wrote this as one of my first Tk programs.

Initially it was slightly longer, but then I squeezed a little (hehehe) to see if I could get a

"15 in 15(lines)" program.

#!/usr/bin/perl use Tk; use strict; my @a = map $_->[0], sort {$a->[1] <=> $b->[1]} map [$_, rand], 0..15; my ($mw, $hole) = new MainWindow; sub xy { -row => $_[0] % 4, -column => int $_[0] / 4 } for my $ii (0..15) { my ($num, $i, $but) = ($a[$ii], $ii); $hole = $i, next unless $num; $but = $mw->Button(-text => $num, -width => 2, -height => 2, -comman +d => sub { $but->grid(xy(($i,$hole) = ($hole,$i))) if abs $i - $hole == 4 or abs $i - $hole == 1 and int $i/4 == int $hole/4 })->grid(xy $i); } MainLoop;

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Re^2: Tk - Discipulus 15 puzzle -- minimalist challenge
by Discipulus (Canon) on Jun 15, 2017 at 14:31 UTC
    Eh eh tybalt89 yes, you have a real talent and not only in Tk!

    But if I can accept the challenge I'd present a commandline version of the 15 puzzle that is a bit longer than your (25 vs 15 lines) but always poses resolvable games.. ;=)

    unless ($^W){use strict; use warnings;} use List::Util qw(shuffle first); my @tbl = ([1,2,3,4],[5,6,7,8],[9,10,11,12],[13,14,15,16]); my $e = [3,3]; for (1..$ARGV[0]||1000) { my $new = (shuffle &ad($e))[0]; $tbl[$e->[0]][$e->[1]] = $tbl[$new->[0]][$new->[1]]; $tbl[$new->[0]]->[$new->[1]] = 16; $e = [$new->[0],$new->[1]]; } while(1){ print +(join ' ',map{$_==16?' ':sprintf '%02s',$_}@{$tbl[$_]}),"\n" + for 0..3; my $m = <STDIN>; chomp $m; die "Enter a number to move!" unless $m; my $tile=first{$tbl[$$_[0]]->[$$_[1]]==$m}map{[$_,0],[$_,1],[$_,2],[ +$_,3]}0..3; my $new=first{$tbl[$$_[0]]->[$$_[1]]==16}&ad(grep{$tbl[$$_[0]]->[$$_ +[1]]==$m} map {[$_,0],[$_,1],[$_,2],[$_,3]}0..3); if ($new){$tbl[$$new[0]][$$new[1]]=$m;$tbl[$$tile[0]][$$tile[1]]=16; +} system ($^O eq 'MSWin32' ? 'cls' : 'clear'); } sub ad{ my $e = shift; grep {$_->[0]<4 && $_->[1]<4 && $_->[0]>-1 && $_- +>[1]>-1} [$$e[0]-1,$$e[1]],[$$e[0]+1,$$e[1]],[$$e[0],$$e[1]-1],[$$e[0],$$ +e[1]+1] }

    Never reached such square brackets density..


    There are no rules, there are no thumbs..
    Reinvent the wheel, then learn The Wheel; may be one day you reinvent one of THE WHEELS.

      But it only takes one additional line (with a tiny bit of reshuffling and a very small golf trick involving // ) to get it to pose only resolvable games :)

      #!/usr/bin/perl use Tk; use strict; my ($mw, $hole, @a) = new MainWindow; 1 while @a = (map($_->[0], sort {$a->[1] <=> $b->[1]} map [$_, rand], 1..15), 0), 1 & map { grep{ $a[$'] > $_ } @a[$_ + // .. 14] } 0..13; sub xy { -row => $_[0] % 4, -column => int $_[0] / 4 } for my $ii (0..15) { my ($num, $i, $but) = ($a[$ii], $ii); $hole = $i, next unless $num; $but = $mw->Button(-text => $num, -width => 2, -height => 2, -comman +d => sub { $but->grid(xy(($i,$hole) = ($hole,$i))) if abs $i - $hole == 4 or abs $i - $hole == 1 and int $i/4 == int $hole/4 })->grid(xy $i); } MainLoop;

      The extra line, however, spoils the whole "15 in 15" esthetic :(

Re^2: Tk - Discipulus 15 puzzle
by zentara (Archbishop) on Jun 14, 2017 at 16:05 UTC

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