#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; my @needles = ("1-2 Steps", "5-7 Steps", "8-10 Steps", "catch"); my @haystacks = ("move 1-2 steps", "move 8-10 steps to hoist", "catch the ball"); for my $needle (@needles) { my $found; for my $haystack (@haystacks) { if ($haystack =~ /\i\Q$needle\E\i/) { print "
"; print "Found [$needle] in [$haystack]\n"; print "
"; $found++; } } if (!$found) { print "
"; print "Couldn't find [$needle] anywhere!\n"; print "
"; } } #### S:\Steve\Dev\PerlMonks\P-2017-05-31@0243-RegEx-Case-Insensitive>perl regex0a.pl Unrecognized escape \i passed through in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/\i <-- HERE 1\-2\ Steps\i/ at regex0a.pl line 12. Unrecognized escape \i passed through in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/\i1\-2\ Steps\i <-- HERE / at regex0a.pl line 12.
Couldn't find [1-2 Steps] anywhere! Unrecognized escape \i passed through in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/\i <-- HERE 5\-7\ Steps\i/ at regex0a.pl line 12. Unrecognized escape \i passed through in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/\i5\-7\ Steps\i <-- HERE / at regex0a.pl line 12.

Couldn't find [5-7 Steps] anywhere! Unrecognized escape \i passed through in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/\i <-- HERE 8\-10\ Steps\i/ at regex0a.pl line 12. Unrecognized escape \i passed through in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/\i8\-10\ Steps\i <-- HERE / at regex0a.pl line 12.

Couldn't find [8-10 Steps] anywhere! Unrecognized escape \i passed through in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/\i <-- HERE catch\i/ at regex0a.pl line 12. Unrecognized escape \i passed through in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/\icatch\i <-- HERE / at regex0a.pl line 12.

Couldn't find [catch] anywhere!
S:\Steve\Dev\PerlMonks\P-2017-05-31@0243-RegEx-Case-Insensitive> ##
## my $needle_regex = quotemeta $needle; if ($haystack =~ /$needle_regex/i) { #### my @needles = ("1-2 Steps", "5-7 Steps", "8-10 Steps", "catch"); my @haystacks = ("move 1-2 steps", "move 8-10 steps to hoist", "catch the ball"); for my $needle (@needles) { my $found; my $needle_regex = quotemeta $needle; for my $haystack (@haystacks) { if ($haystack =~ /$needle_regex/i) { print "
"; print "Found [$needle] in [$haystack]\n"; print "
"; $found++; } } if (!$found) { print "
"; print "Couldn't find [$needle] anywhere!\n"; print "
"; } } ##
## if ($haystack =~ /\Q$needle\E/i) { #### my @needles = ("1-2 Steps", "5-7 Steps", "8-10 Steps", "catch"); my @haystacks = ("move 1-2 steps", "move 8-10 steps to hoist", "catch the ball"); for my $needle (@needles) { my $found; for my $haystack (@haystacks) { if ($haystack =~ /\Q$needle\E/i) { print "
"; print "Found [$needle] in [$haystack]\n"; print "
"; $found++; } } if (!$found) { print "
"; print "Couldn't find [$needle] anywhere!\n"; print "
"; } }