Everywhere I looked there seemed to only be an "app" for storing 2FA "Google Authenticator" secrets, here is short script that stores an encrypted file with the entered password.

#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Authen::OATH; use Convert::Base32; use File::Slurp; use Data::Serializer; =pod perl password nickname [secret] prints out the current and next 6 digit "Google Authenticator" token the secret is from the first line of the .google_authenticator file (o +r the "Secret" from online 2FA codes) ./ mylocalpassword myremoteacct@server WRFPU2CIXFIGYYYC stores the secret (WRFPU2CIXFIGYYYC) with the nickname myremoteacct@se +rver ./ mylocalpassword myremoteacct@server prints 826651 377440 which is the current 6 digit code (826651) and the next one (377440), +just in case :-) Note: the save file (2fa.txt) is encrypted using your password A good tutorial for adding 2FA to your SSH connections: +actor-authentication-for-ssh-on-ubuntu-14-04 Adding 2FA to Perl scripts: parameters: password - the password for the save file, which contains the map betw +een nicknames and secrets nickname - if the third parameter, secret, is not supplied then this d +isplays the 6 digit code secret - if supplied, then this secret is stored in the save file (./2 +fa.txt) for nickname =cut my $passwd = shift @ARGV; my $nickname = shift @ARGV; my $secret_base32 = shift @ARGV; my $filename = "2fa.txt"; my $ser = Data::Serializer->new( serializer => 'Storable', digester => 'MD5', cipher => 'DES', secret => $passwd, compress => 1 ); my $data; if (-e $filename) { eval { $data = $ser->deserialize("" . read_file($filename))}; if ($@) { die "error reading $filename: $@\n"; } } if (defined($secret_base32)) { $data->{$nickname} = $secret_base32; # no check on format of $secret_base32, if you can't get that right + it ain't my problem open FA2, ">", $filename or die "Can't open $filename for writing $ +@\n"; print FA2 $ser->serialize($data); close FA2; die "$nickname saved\n"; } die "$nickname not found\n" unless defined($data->{$nickname}); $secret_base32 = $data->{$nickname}; my $correct_token = sprintf("%06s", Authen::OATH->new->totp( decode_base32( $secret_base32 ) ) ); # the current token $correct_token .= " " . sprintf("%06s", Authen::OATH->new->totp( decode_base32( $secret_base32), time() + 30 ) ); # the next token die "$correct_token\n";
