in reply to Re: Why this code is so slow if run in thread?
in thread Why this code is so slow if run in thread?

But then Perl's Core "Encode" is not thread safe? :(

Suppose I split my program in two. First one creates 2 files, with single-byte encoded data and double-byte encoded data (and says "Equal", of course -- this image has less than 255 "objects").

use strict; use warnings; use 5.020; use PDL; use PDL::IO::Image; use PDL::Image2D; use PDL::IO::FastRaw; use Encode qw/ decode /; my $img = PDL::IO::Image-> new_from_file( 'test.png' ); my $pdl = $img-> pixels_to_pdl-> short; my $s1 = cc8compt( $pdl == 0 )-> byte; my $s2 = cc8compt( $pdl == 0 ); say 'Equal' if decode( 'UTF16LE', ${ $s2-> get_dataref }) eq ${ $s1-> get_dataref }; writefraw( $s1, "fname-1" ); writefraw( $s2, "fname-2" );

The 2nd program doesn't use PDL modules, it reads data from disk (and uses some hard-coded numbers):

use strict; use warnings; use 5.020; use threads; use Encode qw/ decode /; say "No thread (byte)\n---------"; say 'Count: ', scalar @{ test( 1 )}; say "\nThread (byte)\n---------"; say 'Count: ', scalar @{ threads-> create( \&test, 1 )-> join }; say "\nNo thread (short)\n---------"; say 'Count: ', scalar @{ test( 2 )}; say "\nThread (short)\n---------"; say 'Count: ', scalar @{ threads-> create( \&test, 2 )-> join }; sub test { my $arg = shift; open my $fh, '<', "fname-$arg"; binmode $fh; my $str = do { local $/; <$fh> }; close $fh; $str = decode( 'UTF16LE', $str ) if $arg == 2; my ( $w, $h ) = ( 7616, 1200 ); my @b = map { [ [ $w, 0 ], [ $h, 0 ] ] } 0 .. 145; my $t = time; for my $y ( 0 .. $h - 1 ) { my $s = substr( $str, $y * $w, $w ); while( $s =~ m[[^\0]+]g ) { my $c = ord( $& ); $b[ $c ][ 0 ][ 0 ] = $-[0] if $-[0] < $b[ $c ][ 0 +][ 0 ]; $b[ $c ][ 0 ][ 1 ] = $+[0] - 1 if $+[0] - 1 > $b[ $c ][ 0 +][ 1 ]; $b[ $c ][ 1 ][ 0 ] = $y if $y < $b[ $c ][ 1 +][ 0 ]; $b[ $c ][ 1 ][ 1 ] = $y if $y > $b[ $c ][ 1 +][ 1 ]; } } say 'Time: ', time - $t; shift @b; return \@b; }

The output:

No thread (byte) --------- Time: 0 Count: 145 Thread (byte) --------- Time: 1 Count: 145 No thread (short) --------- Time: 1 Count: 145 Thread (short) --------- Time: 51 Count: 145