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Re^3: Referring to Gtk3::EntryBuffer data (tracevariable,textvariable)

by Anonymous Monk
on Sep 11, 2016 at 03:44 UTC ( [id://1171534]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^2: Referring to Gtk3::EntryBuffer data
in thread Referring to Gtk3::EntryBuffer data

:) see perltie, and usage idease see Tk::Trace/Tie::Watch

So you write something like this , tested in gtk2

#!/usr/bin/perl -- use strict; use warnings; #~ use Gtk3 '-init'; #~ my $windowclass = 'Gtk3::Window'; #~ my $entryclass = 'Gtk3::Entry'; #~ my $quitclass = 'Gtk3'; #~ my $box = Gtk3::Box->new('vertical', 5); #~ my $bufferclass = 'Gtk3::EntryBuffer'; use Gtk2 '-init'; my $windowclass = 'Gtk2::Window'; my $entryclass = 'Gtk2::Entry'; my $quitclass = 'Gtk2'; my $bufferclass = 'Gtk2::EntryBuffer'; my $box = Gtk2::VBox->new; ## my $bufferentry = $bufferclass->new; my $uff = $bufferclass->new; tie my $foo, 'TraceBuffer', $uff, "foo text"; my $bar = TraceBuffer->new( $bufferentry, "bar text" ); $foo = "sha nana "; $bar->STORE("tra la la "); my $window = $windowclass->new(); $window->set_title('EntryBuffer'); $window->signal_connect('destroy' => sub {$quitclass->main_quit}); $window->add($box); my $ent = $entryclass->new(); $ent->set_buffer($uff); $box->add($ent); my $entry = $entryclass->new(); $entry->set_buffer($bufferentry); $box->add($entry); $window->show_all(); $quitclass->main(); BEGIN { package TraceBuffer; sub new { my $pkg = shift; $pkg->TIESCALAR(@_); } sub TIESCALAR { my $class = shift; my $buffer = shift || die "USELESS WITHOUT BUFFER!\n"; my $text = shift || ''; $buffer->set_text( $text ); return bless [ $buffer, $text ] => $class; } sub FETCH { #~ return $_[0]->[0]->get_text(); return $_[0]->[1]; } sub STORE { $_[0]->[1] = $_[1]; $_[0]->[0]->set_text( $_[1] ); } sub DESTROY { undef @{$_[0]}; } $INC{''} = __FILE__; 1;; }

Its only half of it, if user updates the entry, the "tracebuffer" doesn't know about it ... you'd have to involve for that portion

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