in reply to Re: perl dancer route template hashref pass complex json file to server issue
in thread perl dancer route template hashref pass complex json file to server issue

I don't see the claimed problem, it all works as it should
>> Dancer 1.3202 server 2120 listenin >> Dancer::Plugin::EscapeHTML (0.22) http://localhost:3000/?jj={%22name%22:%22jsonFileexample%22,%22problem +%22:%22thisIsThrProblem\%22withComma%22};oj=jjjj
  jj => "{\"name\":\"jsonFileexample\",\"problem\":\"thisIsThrProblem\\\"withComma\"}",
  oj => "jjjj",

use Dancer; use Data::Dump qw/ pp /; use Dancer::Plugin::EscapeHTML; any '/' => sub { "<pre>".escape_html( pp( scalar params() ) )."</pre>";;;; }; dance;