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Thank you very much haukex!

The API of XML::Writer appeared to be a bit too complex for me at first. However I tried it just now - and indeed it seems to write the output continually (which I checked with the commented "Hi" line below. The syntax was not very verbose either on the second look :-) A bit strange (to my taste) is the option NEWLINES which adds a newline before the closing delimiter, however it does make the output human readable.

I will test the module with my real data. Many thanks again!

#!/perl use strict; use warnings FATAL => qw(all); use Text::CSV_XS; use XML::Writer; my $csv_par = { binary => 1, auto_diag => 1, allow_whitespace => 1, sep_char => ';', eol => $/, quote_char => undef, }; my $csv = Text::CSV_XS->new($csv_par); my @header = @{$csv->getline(*DATA)}; my %rec; $csv->bind_columns(\@rec{@header}); my $writer = XML::Writer->new(NEWLINES => 1, ENCODING => 'UTF-8'); # stdout. $writer->xmlDecl(); # ("UTF-8") already mentioned above. $writer->startTag('ROOT'); while ( $csv->getline(*DATA) ) { $writer->startTag('alpha', 'name' => $rec{"alpha"}); for my $other( qw(beta gamma) ) { $writer->startTag($other, 'name' => $rec{$other}); $writer->endTag($other); } # print "\t\tHi!\n"; $writer->endTag('alpha'); } $writer->endTag('ROOT'); $writer->end(); __DATA__ alpha;beta;gamma q;2;3 w;9;8 e;1;2 r;6;7 t;5;9 y;3;1