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Re: How would you code this?

by kennethk (Abbot)
on Apr 07, 2016 at 00:03 UTC ( [id://1159773]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to How would you code this?

Fun, kinda silly, and doesn't actually work on your trial set. Failures happen around points with large deviations from the smoothed concept.
my @also = sort {$a->[0] <=> $b->[0]} @points; for my $i (reverse 0 .. $#points) { splice @also, $i, 1 if $points[$i] ne $also[$i]; }
More generally, I feel like there is a merge-sort-like solution in there somewhere, but can't quite seem to distill it in my brain. Not that it would be practical, since push-pop is already O(N), but that's not the point, right?

Streaming buffer w/ STDIN/STDOUT:

my $frame = 10; my @buffer; $, = ' '; $\ = "\n"; while (<>) { my @row = split; if (@buffer and ($buffer[-1][0] < $row[0]) ^ ($buffer[-1][1] < $ro +w[1]) ) { pop @buffer; } else { print @{shift @buffer} if $frame < push @buffer, \@row; } } print @$_ for @buffer
Note the ridiculous micro-optimization for comparison.

#11929 First ask yourself `How would I do this without a computer?' Then have the computer do it the same way.

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