gballanti has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hello expert, I'm facing with a strange behaviour from Net::Telnet trying to get the command output from a Cisco device.
The result from "show run" command is placed into a scalar but printing the contents I get a number.
The dump log contests the right output.
Below the simple code that I'm using.

#/opt/ActivePerl-5.18/bin/perl use Net::Telnet; eval { $t = new Net::Telnet ( Timeout=>10, Errmode=> 'die', Prompt=> '/[# +>] $/' ); $t->open("x.x.x.x"); }; if($@) { print "error: " . $@ . "\n"; } else { print "success: " . $@ . "\n"; } $t->dump_log("file_dump"); $t->output_log("file_out"); #$t->max_buffer_length(50*1024*1024); $t->waitfor('/Username: ?$/i'); $t->print("*****"); $t->waitfor('/Password: ?$/i'); $t->print("*****"); $t->waitfor(-match=> '/> ?$/', -errmode=> "return") or die "login fail +ed: ", $t->lastline; $t->print("en"); $t->waitfor('/Password: ?$/i'); $t->print("*****"); $t->waitfor(-match=> '/# ?$/', -errmode=> "return") or die "login enab +le failed: ", $t->lastline; #$t->cmd(-string=> 'terminal pager 0', -timeout=> 30, -prompt=> '/# $/ +'); #$t->waitfor(-match=> '/# $/', -errmode=> "return") or die "prompt not + returned: ", $t->lastline; #@lines=$t->cmd(-string=> 'show run', -timeout=> 30, -prompt=> '/# $/' +); $t->print('terminal pager 0'); $t->waitfor('/# $/'); @showrun=$t->cmd('show run'); print @showrun . "\n"; print "moving to next statement\n";

running the script I get:

moving to next statement

Anyone can help me ?


I resolved, don't understand why but the command
print @showrun . "\n";
prints the numbers of element into the array.
The following code show the array contents: