in reply to Tk::LabEntry - how to reach the configuration of label via callback?

Hi! Yuu could also use the subwidget command on the LabEntry:

#!/perl use strict; use warnings FATAL => qw(all); use Tk; use Tk::LabEntry; use List::Util qw(first); use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number); my $mw = MainWindow->new(); $mw->title("Test"); my $test = 8; my $width = 250; my $length = 125; $mw->minsize($width, $length); my $FONT = $mw->fontCreate(-family => 'verdana', -size => 14, -weight => 'normal'); my $le = $mw->LabEntry(-label => 'Value', -labelPack => [qw/-side left -anchor w/], -labelFont => '9x15bold', -font => $FONT, -relief => 'ridge', -textvariable => \$test, -width => 2, )->pack(); $le->bind('<Key>' => sub { labelCheck($_[0]);}); MainLoop; sub labelCheck { my $x = $_[0]->get(); if ( !(looks_like_number($x)) or ($x < 0) ) { $_[0]->delete(0, 'end'); my $label = $le->Subwidget('label'); $label->configure( -background => 'red'); # $_[0]->configure( -labelBackground => 'red'); } else { $_[0]->configure( -background => '#f0f0f0',); # $_[0]->configure( -labelBackground => '#f0f0f0'); do_something(); } return 1; } sub do_something { print $test, $/; }