#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; my $previous_line = ; while ( my $current_line = ) { chomp for ( $previous_line, $current_line ); my @previous_cols = split ' ', $previous_line; my @current_cols = split ' ', $current_line; print "$current_cols[0]: $current_cols[1] "; $current_cols[1] += $previous_cols[1]; print "now changed to $current_cols[1]\n"; $previous_line = join ' ', @current_cols; } __DATA__ seed 1 foo 1 bar 2 baz 3 qux 4 #### foo: 1 now changed to 2 bar: 2 now changed to 4 baz: 3 now changed to 7 qux: 4 now changed to 11