in reply to Software Fundamentals. Collected Papers by David L. Parnas.

A thoroughly stupendous book. I'm still working my way through it. It's exceptionally thought-provoking, which makes it a little heavy going. This is not something you read in an afternoon, not if you want to get the most out of it. The thing that most impressed me was that some of the papers were first written in the 70s, and yet they remain very, very relevant in today's computing world.

I was going to key in the table of contents but when I realised that the ToC alone spans 11 pages I gave up. Hope is at hand, as it is also published on the web.

If you are looking to buy it now (circa sep 2001), be aware that it is still only available in hardback. But buy it one way or another, and stand on the shoulders of a giant.

g r i n d e r