in reply to Capturing warnings from DBD:PG

Are you sure that you're checking error message of the right call?

The DBI docs say this :-

$str = $h->errstr; Returns the native database engine error message from the last DBI + method called. ... and $DBI::err Equivalent to "$h->err". $DBI::errstr Equivalent to "$h->errstr". $DBI::state Equivalent to "$h->state".

So didn't you just check if the last_insert_id call succeeded?

You need to check the err and maybe the state after the execute. So at least something like

$rv = $sth->execute or die $sth->errstr;

BTW it's probably worth asking this question on the posrgresql mailing list or IRC, as they'll know the best way to do this and it's more of a DB problem than a perl one.