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Re: Smoothsort

by Anonymous Monk
on Sep 21, 2015 at 15:28 UTC ( [id://1142635]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Smoothsort

"I'm also looking to make this code more readable and easily understandable as well as shorter"

Here's my try at shorter, coding straight from the Wikipedia page.

#!/usr/bin/perl # # use strict; use warnings; my $size = shift // 23; my (@n, @roots); # Leonardo numbers of heaps, and root indexes my @leonardo = (1, 1); # push @leonardo, $leonardo[-1] + $leonardo[-2] + 1 while $leonardo[-1] <= $size; # precompute enough (fake memoize :) my @original = my @a = map { int rand 10 } 1..$size; print "start a @a\n"; for my $root (0..$#a) ############################## grow { if( @n >= 2 && $n[-2] == $n[-1] + 1 ) # consecutive => make bigger h +eap { splice @n, -2, 2, $n[-2] + 1; splice @roots, -2, 2, $root; } else # new heap of size 1 { push @n, @n && $n[-1] == 1 ? 0 : 1; push @roots, $root; } restring( $#n ); } print "grown a @a n @n\n"; while( @n ) ######################################## shrink { if( $n[-1] > 1 ) # add two subheaps to string { push @n, --$n[-1] - 1; splice @roots, -1, 0, --$roots[-1] - $leonardo[$n[-1]]; restring( $#n - 1 ); restring( $#n ); } else # just remove last size 1 heap { pop @n; pop @roots; } } print "answer a @a n @n\n"; my @oldsort = sort {$a <=> $b} @original; "@a" eq "@oldsort" or die "***** not sorted *****"; sub restring { my ($more, $current) = (1, @_); while( $current > 0 and $more ) { my ($root, $stringleftroot) = @roots[ $current, $current - 1 ]; my $leftval = $a[$stringleftroot]; if( $more = $leftval > $a[$root] && # test left > current ($n[$current] <= 1 or $leftval > $a[$root - 1] && $leftval > $a[$root - 1 - $leonardo[$n[$current]-2]] ) ) { @a[$root, $stringleftroot] = @a[ $stringleftroot, $root]; # swap $current--; # and move left } } my ($n, $root) = ( $n[$current], $roots[$current] ); # filter while( $n > 1 ) { my $rightroot = $root - 1; my $leftroot = $rightroot - $leonardo[$n - 2]; $a[$leftroot] <= $a[$root] && $a[$rightroot] <= $a[$root] and retu +rn; if( $a[$leftroot] > $a[$rightroot] ) # swap largest child { @a[$leftroot, $root] = @a[$root, $leftroot]; ($n, $root) = ($n - 1, $leftroot);; } else { @a[$rightroot, $root] = @a[$root, $rightroot]; ($n, $root) = ($n - 2, $rightroot);; } } }

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