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Recursively list all files on a network shared drive on windows

by ambrus (Abbot)
on Sep 11, 2015 at 15:03 UTC ( [id://1141676]=CUFP: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Use this script on a windows system to recursively list all files on a network shared drive (or a local directory if you wish). Change the value of $outfname and @startpath before you run it.

The files are listed with meta-data. First column contains the file size, or total size of files conained in a directory, followed by an indicator of the file type: "/" for a directory, "@" for a symlink, "~" for a symlink to directory, "?" for error in lstat, "!" for error in opendir. The latter two markers could show up when files are deleted while you are producing the listing. Second column is creation date, third column is modification date, last is filename and, for symlinks, link target.

#!perl use warnings; use 5.016; use Time::HiRes (); use Encode; use Win32::LongPath (); use Unicode::Collate (); our $outfname = q(C:\somedir\list.txt); our @startpath = ( "\\\\HOSTNAME\\sharename", ); open our$outf, ">:encoding(utf8)", $outfname or die; our $pro_count = 0; our $pro_time = Time::HiRes::time(); our $pro_gran = 1251; our $coll = Unicode::Collate->new; sub visit { my($path, $addto_ref) = @_; my$stat = Win32::LongPath::lstatL($path); my$isdir = $stat && 0 != (0x10 & $$stat{attribs}); my$islink = $stat && 0 != (0x400 & $$stat{attribs}); my$typestr = !$stat ? "?" : $islink ? ($isdir ? "~" : "@") : $isdi +r ? "/" : " "; my$mdatestr = "?"; my$cdatestr = "?"; if ($stat) { my($ms,$mm,$mh,$md,$mb,$my) = gmtime($$stat{ctime}); $mdatestr = sprintf "%04d-%02d-%02d", 1900+$my, 1+$mb, $md; my($cs,$cm,$ch,$cd,$cb,$cy) = gmtime($$stat{mtime}); $cdatestr = sprintf "%04d-%02d-%02d", 1900+$cy, 1+$cb, $cd; } my$readlink = $islink ? Win32::LongPath::readlinkL($path) : undef( +); my$linkstr = defined($readlink) ? "\t>" . $readlink : ""; my$size = $stat ? 0 + $$stat{size} : 0; if (!$islink && $isdir) { my$dh = Win32::LongPath->new; my$ok = $dh->opendirL($path); if ($ok) { $^E = 0; my@n = $dh->readdirL; if (18 != $^E) { warn qq(warning: readdir "$path" $^E ), 0 ++$^E; } @n = $coll->sort(@n); $dh->closedirL; for my$n (@n) { "." eq $n || ".." eq $n and next; if (!length($n) || $n =~ y|/\\||) { warn qq(wtf strange name in directory: "$path" "$n +"); next; } my$p = $path . "\\" . $n; my$a = \$size; visit($p, $a); } } else { $typestr = "!"; } } $$addto_ref += $size; printf $outf "%12d%1s %10s %10s %s%s\n", $size, $typestr, $mdatestr, $cdatestr, $path, $linkstr; $outf->flush; if (0 == ++$pro_count % $pro_gran) { my$n = Time::HiRes::time(); my$d = $n - $pro_time; printf STDERR qq(progress %9d %.2f "%s"), $pro_count, $d, enco +de_utf8($path); Time::HiRes::sleep(0.9 + 2.2 * abs($d)); printf STDERR qq(;\n); $pro_time = Time::HiRes::time(); } } for my$p (@startpath) { warn qq(starting from "$p"); my$total_sz = 0; visit($p, \$total_sz) } warn qq(lsrecursive all done.); __END__

Update: changed text to describe ascended bug in the program where the ctime and mtime were swapped.

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