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Re^4: CSV file info into xml tags

by CSharma (Sexton)
on Jul 29, 2015 at 11:55 UTC ( [id://1136736]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^3: CSV file info into xml tags
in thread CSV file info into xml tags

Thanks 2teez! I've one problem, my requirement is to integrate 'StateTax' tag in xml file which I'm creating using different files. I've got 2 hashes: 1st -> data having various fields which is to be added into xml file. Hash is like below:
$VAR1 = { 'retailer-2247.txt.gz' => { 'logo' => ' +/images/retbutton_2247.gif', 'mid' => '2247', 'feedCount' => undef, 'feedNumbers' => undef, 'url' => '', 'merchant' => '1STOPlighting', 'type' => 'CPC', 'parentAccount' => undef, 'feedName' => 'retailer-2247.txt +.gz' } }
2nd -> tax info retrieved from a different file. Hash is like:
{ '19428' => { 'rate' => [ '7.000' ], 'state' => [ 'NJ' ] }, '2247' => { 'rate' => [ '9.750', '7.000' ], 'state' => [ 'IL', 'IN' ] } }
So I need to merge the state info tag into xml file (comparison would be on mid i.e. 2247). Could anyone please help? And this question regarding the same I've asked earlier.
<merchant id="2247"> <name>1STOPlighting</name> <url></url> <type>CPC</type> <logoUrl></logoUrl> <ntParentAcct>5403020</ntParentAcct> <feedCount>1</feedCount> <feedNumbers>1</feedNumbers> <StateTax>IL, IN</StateTax> </code PERL Code I've written, it's using XML::LibXML module to handle encodi +ng cases. <code> #!/usr/bin/perl use Net::SFTP::Foreign; use IO::Uncompress::Gunzip qw(gunzip $GunzipError); use URI::Escape; use Net::FTP; use XML::LibXML; use Data::Dumper; $mdFile = "meta.xml"; my @feedFiles = <*.gz>; $fileRef = \@feedFiles; @cpaAccts = ("402", "1888", "2379", "5316", "12968", "24379", "25101", + "25518"); my $taxFile = "taxinfo.txt"; ## Getting hash of taxFile my %midHash = &readTax($taxFile); ## Getting hash of metaData &writeXml(@$fileRef); print Dumper(\%metaHash); ## subroutine to get the hash of TaxFile sub readTax { my ($taxFile) = @_; my %sidHash=(); open(IN, $taxFile) || die "$taxFile couldn't be opened $@\n"; while(<IN>) { chomp; next if /Retid/; my ($sid, $state, $rate) = split /\s+/; push @{$sidHash{$sid}{state}}, $state; push @{$sidHash{$sid}{rate}} , $rate; } return %sidHash; } ## subroutine to get the hash of feeds pgmetadata.xml sub writeXml { @feeds = @_; # Read the cpa accts into a hash %cpaHash = map { $cpaAccts[$_] => 1 } (0..$#cpaAccts); foreach $fr (@feeds) { $f = $fr; open(IN,sprintf("zcat %s |", $f)) || die "Could not open pipe +for $f : $!"; while(<IN>) { next if $. == 1; if ($. == 2) { @feedLine = split('\t'); $metaHash{$f}{feedName} = $f; $metaHash{$f}{mid} = $feedLine[0]; if ($cpaHash{$feedLine[0]} > 0) { $metaHash{$f}{type} = 'CPA'; } else { $metaHash{$f}{type} = 'CPC'; } $feedLine[4] =~ s/_/ /g; $metaHash{$f}{merchant} = $feedLine[4]; $metaHash{$f}{logo} = $feedLine[5]; $tempUrl = uri_unescape($feedLine[18]); ($metaHash{$f}{url}) = $tempUrl =~ /.*(http[s]?:\/\/[^ +\/\?&]+)/; $metaHash{$f}{parentAccount} = $parentAccount; $metaHash{$f}{feedCount} = $feedCount; $metaHash{$f}{feedNumbers} = $feedNumbers; last; } } close IN; } return %metaHash; } ## Subroutine to create XML file sub writeMetaDataFile { my (%tmpMetaHash) = @_; open(OUTXML,">$mdFile") || die "Could not open $mdFile for Writing +"; $doc = XML::LibXML::Document->new(); $root = $doc->createElement('merchants'); $doc->setDocumentElement($root); foreach $k (sort keys %tmpMetaHash) { my $merchant = $doc->createElement('merchant'); $merchant->setAttribute('id',$tmpMetaHash{$k}{mid}); $root->appendChild($merchant); $merchant->appendTextChild('name',$tmpMetaHash{$k}{merchant}); $merchant->appendTextChild('url',$tmpMetaHash{$k}{url}); $merchant->appendTextChild('type',$tmpMetaHash{$k}{type}); $merchant->appendTextChild('logoUrl',$tmpMetaHash{$k}{logo}); $merchant->appendTextChild('ntParentAcct',$parentAcct); $merchant->appendTextChild('feedCount',$feedCount); $merchant->appendTextChild('feedNumbers',$feedNumbers); } print OUTXML $doc->toString(1); push @ftpFiles, $mdFile; }

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Re^5: CSV file info into xml tags
by poj (Abbot) on Jul 29, 2015 at 18:02 UTC

    Add these lines to writeMetaDataFile

    my $rate = join ',',@{$taxHash->{$id}{state}}; $merchant->appendTextChild('StateTax', $rate);

    Full script below


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