uhClem has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hi monks -- longtime listener; first time caller. I just tried this one over at StackOverflow but the one responder apparently got upset when I suggested his quite nice solution wasn't right for my situation -- and deleted his own answer and all comments! His ball and he's going home! Oh well.

So. I've got big files of hand-entered data in various formats that needs cleaning and rearranging; the current one looks like this:

C31 6 3 2.4 1.5 2.6 C32 2 7 3 1.0 H31 1 1 0 21.0 11.2 5.3 1.4 T11 2 1 0 6.0 1.1 2.2 L06 1 1 0 1.0 3.3 L06 1 4 0 1.1 1.8

That first line is bad -- missing its fourth field, which should be [0-3]; all sorts of typo-like errors like that. Catch those, send them to the Bad file, cut up good lines into a hash for redistribution. I've got this one matched like so:

($t, $p, $s, $d) = (/^([A-Z]\d\d) +(1?\d) +(\d?\d(?:\.1)?) +([0-3]) /) + or ($bad{$line++} = $_) && next; @cts = ($' =~ /(\d?\d\.\d)/g);

That works but I'd really like to do it in a single pattern so I can simply swap patterns for the many differently similar files still to come. I couldn't figure out anything for this that would do both the careful pattern matching and the variable-length lines all in one go (It's easy to catch every field with just /(\S+)\s+/g but then I have to check each catch separately for its proper form, which makes it messy when I retool the script for the next stinking input file).

At this point I'm mainly interested in the theoretico-mechanical question of whether what I want is *possible*. Can you do a match like

@allFields = (/patt1 patt2 patt3 patt19+/);
where the first three patts each occur once and patt19 occurs {1,n} times, you validate all catches with picky matching or next, and however many patt19s there are in a given line everything winds up in @allFields? Everything I tried got the first three fields and either the first patt19 or the last but I could never get them all.
