in reply to Net::Snmp->session->get_table() data missing

Hi Have you tried to get the table value from command line using snmpwalk utility ? Does it return some data ? Please post the code also which is not functioning properly ?

Code Snippet of get_table()

my $ip = "your_ip_device"; my $snmpCommunity = "your_snmp_community"; my $oid = "oid_you_want_to_poll"; my $port = "you_snmp_port"; # By default its 161 my ($session, $error) = Net::SNMP->session( -hostname => "$ip", -community => "$snmpCo +mmunity", -timeout => "30", -version => "2", -port => "$port"); if(!defined($session)){ printf("ERROR : %s.\n", $error); exit 1; } my $response = $session->get_table($oid);

Do you want to varbind the variable using SNMPTRAP ?