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Re: Net::DNS::Resolver doesn't return the desired domain name

by cavac (Parson)
on Jun 11, 2015 at 16:30 UTC ( [id://1130060]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Net::DNS::Resolver doesn't return the desired domain name

First of all, after re-formatting, adding the usual use strict; use warnings; and adding the missing use Net::DNS::Resolver and adding the missing variables, i get Net::DNS::Resolver->new(): nameservers must be an arrayref.

Let's fix that and add some actual nameservers and an IP to query:

#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use Net::DNS::Resolver; my $l_ip = ''; # one of the servers my @nameservers = qw[]; # Googles DNS Servers my $l_dns_name = $l_ip; my $l_dns = Net::DNS::Resolver->new( nameservers => \@nameservers ); my $l_response = $l_dns->query($l_ip); if($l_dns->errorstring eq 'NOERROR') { my $l_record; foreach $l_record ($l_response->answer()) { print 'Got: ', $l_record->type(), ' -> ', $l_record->name(), + "\n"; if($l_record->type() eq 'PTR') { $l_dns_name = $l_record->name(); last; } } } else { print $l_dns->errorstring, "\n"; }

This gives us the result Got: PTR  ->

Took me a while playing with the code and reading the docs to find out the problem. Turns out that you have to use type-specific methods to parse the part of the answer you actually want. The complete answer from the nameserver is something like this record: 6883 IN PTR

name() returns the first part, the name ("key") of that record. But what you want is the second part (the "value"), for which you need type-specific query functions, in this case ptrdname() from the Net::DNS::RR::PTR module.

So, here's what i finally ended up with:

#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use Net::DNS::Resolver; my $destip = ''; # one of the servers my @nameservers = qw[]; # Googles DNS Servers my $ptr = getHostname($destip, \@nameservers, 'PTR'); print "Got name $ptr\n"; sub getHostname { my ($l_ip, $nameservers, $recordtype) = @_; my $l_dns_name = $l_ip; my $l_dns = Net::DNS::Resolver->new( nameservers => \@nameservers, + $recordtype ); my $l_response = $l_dns->query($l_ip); if(!defined($l_response)) { print "Error: Got no response\n"; return $l_ip; } if($l_dns->errorstring eq 'NOERROR') { my $l_record; foreach $l_record ($l_response->answer()) { print 'Got: ', $l_record->type(), ' -> ', $l_record->nam +e(), "\n"; if($l_record->type() eq 'PTR') { $l_dns_name = $l_record->ptrdname(); #$l_dns_name = $l_record->address(); last; } } } else { print $l_dns->errorstring, "\n"; } return $l_dns_name; }

Which results in:
Got: PTR -> Got name

Be aware: Not every IP will resolve to a hostname. You will need to add appropriate error handling as well as handling Nameserver connection and lookup errors of all kinds.

"For me, programming in Perl is like my cooking. The result may not always taste nice, but it's quick, painless and it get's food on the table."

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Re^2: Net::DNS::Resolver doesn't return the desired domain name
by Robidu (Acolyte) on Jun 11, 2015 at 18:45 UTC
    Ah, thanks! So ptrdname is the function that I've been hunting for, then.

    With things fixed up this way everything is now working as it is supposed to be. Thanks!

      For thinks like these, often times a good debugger/IDE can save you hours of frustration without having to add print. (Personally i use Komodo IDE, but probably there are a few other out there that are also very good).

      If you don't want to spend money or have some other reasons not to use an IDE, you can do
      print 'Record is of class: ', ref($l_record), "\n";
      which will result in
      Record is of class: Net::DNS::RR::PTR

      "For me, programming in Perl is like my cooking. The result may not always taste nice, but it's quick, painless and it get's food on the table."

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