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by $code or die (Deacon)
on Sep 14, 2001 at 18:53 UTC ( [id://112437]=sourcecode: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??
Category: Fun Stuff
Author/Contact Info $code or die Simon Flack
Description: A Perl Tk Game.

Clear the grid with the highest score. You can clear blocks when there are two or more identical blocks next to eachother. The score goes up considerably when you get rid of more than a handful of blocks (you'll see what I mean).

See AGamesZone for the inspiration. (Ok, yes, I ripped it off!)

Code is a little rough in places, but it works.
Tested on:
Perl 5.6.1: ActivePerl 629 on Win2000 and Windows Me,
Perl 5.5: on Debian (potato)
+        #
#  -----------                                                        
+        #
+        #
#  Version:      1.1                                                  
+        #
+        #
#  Description:                                                       
+        #
#  Clear the grid with the highest score. You can clear blocks when th
+ere     #
#  are two or more identical blocks next to eachother. The more blocks
+ next   #
#  to eachother: the higher the score for clearing them :             
+        #
#      score(n)   =   score(n-1) + score(n-2)                         
+        #
+        #
#  See for the inspir
+ation   #
#  for this, and an online Java version :)                            
+        #
+        #
#  Simon Flack (  13/9/2001                       
+        #

use vars qw($game);

$game = SameGame->new();
#$game->DisplayASCII;    # Displays a text version of the board

package SameGame;

use strict;
use constant ROWS         => 10;
use constant COLUMNS     => 20;
use Tk;
use Tk::Dialog;

sub new
    my ($class, %args) = @_;
    $class = ref $class || $class;
    my $self = { score => 0, level => 5};
    $self->{pieces} = pieces();
    bless $self, $class;
    $self->{board} = $self->GenerateBoard(5);
    $self->{value} = generate_scores();
    $self->{display} = SameGame::UI->new($self->{board});
    $self->{currentlyselected} = [];
    return $self;

sub restart
    my ($game, $level) = @_;
    $level ||= 5;
    $game->{score} = 0;
    $game->{currentlyselected} = [];
    $game->{board} = $game->GenerateBoard($level);

sub GenerateBoard
    my ($self, $level) = @_;
    $self->{level} = $level || 5;
    my @board;
    my ($rows, $cols) = (ROWS, COLUMNS);
    for (1 .. $cols) 
        my $row = $_ - 1;
        #Each column has $rows rows
        for (1 .. $rows) 
            $board[$row]->[$_ - 1] = $self->_random_piece($level);
    return \@board;

sub _random_piece 
    my ($self,$level) = @_;
    $level ||=5;
    my @Pieces = @{ $self->{pieces} };
    return $Pieces[rand $level]->{name};

sub pieces
            { name => 'A', color => 'red',},
            { name => 'B', color => 'blue'},
            { name => 'C', color => 'green'},
            { name => 'D', color => 'pink'},
            { name => 'E', color => 'orange'},
            { name => 'F', color => 'yellow'},
            { name => 'G', color => 'purple'},
            { name => 'H', color => 'brown'},

sub generate_scores
    my @array = (undef, undef, 2, 4);
    for (1 .. 100)
        push @array, $array[-1] + $array[-2];
    return \@array;

sub DisplayASCII
    my $self = shift;
    my $board = $self->{board};
    for (1 .. ROWS)
        print "  ";
        my $row = $_ - 1;
        for ( 1 .. COLUMNS )
            print $board->[$_ - 1 ]->[$row], "  ";
        print "\n\n";

sub makeselection
    my ($self, $row, $col) = @_;
    #print "R:$row    C:$col  ($self->{board}->[$col-1]->[$row-1]) sel
    my $piecename = $self->{board}->[$col-1]->[$row-1];
    if ($piecename eq " ")
        return unless @{$self->{currentlyselected}};
        $self->{currentlyselected} = [];

    # is this piece currently selected?
    # e.g. is it in $self->{currentlyselected}
    # then delete all pieces in $self->{currentlyselected},
    # readjust the board, and add the score
    my $piece = "$col,$row";     # e.g. cartesian (x,y)
    if ( grep /^\Q$piece\E$/, @{$self->{currentlyselected}} )
        $self->{score} += $self->{clickscore};
        $self->{clickscore} = 0;
        $self->{currentlyselected} = []; 
        $self->deleteblocks(); # temporary bug fix

        if ($self->is_game_over) { 
            #print "Game Over";

    } else {
    # if not, then scan the board for adjacent pieces that are the sam
    # and add them to $self->{currentlyselected}
    # then update click score
        $self->{clickscore} = 0;
        $self->updateselection($piecename, $col, $row);
        my $number_of_pieces = @{$self->{currentlyselected}};
        $self->{clickscore} = $self->{value}->[$number_of_pieces] || 0
        $self->{clickscore} *= ($self->{level} - 5) || 1;

        if ($self->{clickscore} == 0) {
            $self->{currentlyselected} = [];
            $number_of_pieces = 0;
        #print "Prospective Score: $self->{clickscore}\n";        

sub updateselection
    my ($self, $piecename, $x, $y) = @_;
    $self->{searched} = {};
    @{$self->{currentlyselected}} = 
            $self->recursive_search($self->{board}, $piecename, $x, $y
+, "north");
    $self->{searched} = {};
    push @{$self->{currentlyselected}}, 
            $self->recursive_search($self->{board}, $piecename, $x, $y
+, "west");
    $self->{searched} = {};
    push @{$self->{currentlyselected}}, 
            $self->recursive_search($self->{board}, $piecename, $x, $y
+, "east");
    $self->{searched} = {};
    push @{$self->{currentlyselected}}, 
            $self->recursive_search($self->{board}, $piecename, $x, $y
+, "south");

    # strip duplicates
    my %temp_store; @temp_store{@{$self->{currentlyselected}}} = ();
    @{$self->{currentlyselected}} =  keys %temp_store;
sub recursive_search
    my ($self, $board, $search, $x, $y, $direction) = @_;
    return if $self->{searched}->{"$x,$y"};
    my @bag;
    my %dir = (north => "south", east => "west", south => "north", wes
+t => "east");
    return unless $board->[$x-1]->[$y-1] eq $search;
    $self->{searched}->{"$x,$y"} = 1;
    push @bag, "$x,$y";

    # make sure we don't double back and go in circles forever
    # the recursion will go back for us
    delete $dir{ $dir{$direction} };

    # make sure we don't fall off the board in our search;
    if ($x == 1         ) { delete $dir{west} }
    if ($x == COLUMNS     ) { delete $dir{east} }
    if ($y == 1         ) { delete $dir{north} }
    if ($y == ROWS         ) { delete $dir{south} }
    foreach (keys %dir)
        my ($newx, $newy) = ($x, $y);
        $newy-- if $_ eq "north";
        $newy++ if $_ eq "south";
        $newx++ if $_ eq "east";
        $newx-- if $_ eq "west";
        push @bag, $self->recursive_search($board, $search, $newx, $ne
+wy, $_);
    return @bag;    

sub is_game_over
    my $self = shift;
    my $board = $self->{board};
    for (0 .. COLUMNS - 1)
        my $col = $_;
        for (0 .. ROWS - 2)
            my $row = $_;
            next COLUMNCHECK if $board->[$col]->[$row] eq " ";
            return 0 if $board->[$col]->[$row] eq
                        $board->[$col]->[$row + 1];
    for (0 .. ROWS - 1)
        my $row = $_;
        for (0 .. COLUMNS - 2)
            my $col = $_;
            next ROWCHECK if $board->[$col]->[$row] eq " ";
            return 0 if $board->[$col]->[$row] eq
    return 1;

sub deleteblocks
    my $self = shift;
    my @blocks = @{ $self->{currentlyselected} };
    foreach (@blocks)
        my ($x,$y) = split /,/;
        $self->{board}->[$x-1]->[$y-1] = " ";        
    # now, shift all the blocks down where there are gaps;
    # one column at a time
    for (1 .. COLUMNS)
        my @temp_column = grep /^\S$/, @{$self->{board}->[$_-1]};
        my $empties = (ROWS - scalar @temp_column);

        for (1 .. $empties)
            unshift @temp_column, ' '
        $self->{board}->[$_-1] = \@temp_column;

        if ($empties == ROWS)
            last if $_ == COLUMNS;
            my @replacement = (@{$self->{board}}[$_ .. COLUMNS-1]);
            my @empty; push @empty, ' ' for 1 .. ROWS; push @replaceme
+nt, \@empty;
            @{$self->{board}}[$_-1 .. COLUMNS-1] = @replacement;


sub play

sub commify 
    # adapted from perlfaq4
    my ($self, $num) = @_;
    1 while $num =~ s/^([-+]?\d+)(\d{3})/$1,$2/;
    return $num;

package SameGame::UI;

use vars qw(@ISA);
use constant ROWS         => 10;
use constant COLUMNS     => 20;

@ISA = qw(SameGame);

sub new
    my ($class, $board) = @_;
    my $self = {};
    $self->{top} = MainWindow->new();
    $self->{main_frame} = $self->{top}->Frame(-background => 'grey')->
    bless $self, $class;
    $self->{font} = ($^O =~ /MSWin32/) ? "Helvetica" : "Helvetica";
    $self->{colours} = getcolors();
    return $self;

    undef $_[0];    

sub getcolors
    my %colors;
    my $colors = SameGame::pieces;
    foreach (@$colors)
        $colors{$_->{name}} = $_->{color};        
    $colors{"  "} = "grey";
    return \%colors;    

sub init {
    my($self, $pieces) = @_;
    my $root = $self->{main_frame};

    $self->{GameOver} = $self->{main_frame}->Dialog(
                    -title => "Game Over!",
                    -text  => "Game Over",
                    -buttons => ["OK"],

    # widget creation 

    $self->{frameBoard} = $root->Frame (
        -borderwidth => '1',
        -relief => 'groove',
    my($frame_1) = $root->Frame (
    $self->{frameScores} = $root->Frame (
    my($buttonNewGame) = $root->Button (
        -default => 'normal',
        -text => 'New Game',
        -command => sub { $::game->restart },
    my($buttonNewGameHard) = $root->Button (
        -default => 'normal',
        -text => 'HARD level!',
        -background => 'red',
        -command => sub { $::game->restart(8) },
    my($labelThisTotal) = $root->Label (
        -text => 'This Total:',
    $self->{thisTotal} = $root->Label (
        -text => '0',
    my($labelClickScore) = $root->Label (
        -text => 'This Click Score:',
    $self->{clickScore} = $root->Label (
        -text => '0',
    my($labelScoreTotal) = $root->Label (
        -text => 'Score:',
    $self->{totalScore} = $root->Label (
        -text => '0',

    # Geometry management

        -in => $root,
        -column => '1',
        -row => '1'
        -in => $root,
        -column => '1',
        -row => '2'
        -in => $frame_1,
        -column => '3',
        -row => '1'
        -in => $frame_1,
        -column => '1',
        -row => '1'
        -in => $frame_1,
        -column => '2',
        -row => '1'
        -in => $self->{frameScores},
        -column => '1',
        -row => '1',
        -sticky => 'e'
        -in => $self->{frameScores},
        -column => '2',
        -row => '1',
        -sticky => 'w'
        -in => $self->{frameScores},
        -column => '1',
        -row => '2',
        -sticky => 'e'
        -in => $self->{frameScores},
        -column => '2',
        -row => '2',
        -sticky => 'w'
        -in => $self->{frameScores},
        -column => '4',
        -row => '2',
        -sticky => 'e'
        -in => $self->{frameScores},
        -column => '5',
        -row => '2',
        -sticky => 'w'

    # Resize behavior management

    # container $frame_2 (rows)
    $self->{frameScores}->gridRowconfigure(1, -weight  => 0, -minsize 
+ => 30);
    $self->{frameScores}->gridRowconfigure(2, -weight  => 0, -minsize 
+ => 30);

    # container $frame_2 (columns)
    $self->{frameScores}->gridColumnconfigure(1, -weight => 0, -minsiz
+e => 30);
    $self->{frameScores}->gridColumnconfigure(2, -weight => 0, -minsiz
+e => 155);
    $self->{frameScores}->gridColumnconfigure(3, -weight => 0, -minsiz
+e => 90);
    $self->{frameScores}->gridColumnconfigure(4, -weight => 0, -minsiz
+e => 30);
    $self->{frameScores}->gridColumnconfigure(5, -weight => 0, -minsiz
+e => 121);

    # container $frameBoard (generate)
    for (1 .. ROWS)
        $self->{frameBoard}->gridRowconfigure($_, -weight => 0);
    for (1 .. COLUMNS)
        $self->{frameBoard}->gridColumnconfigure($_, -weight => 0);

    # container $root (rows)
    $root->gridRowconfigure(1, -weight  => 1, -minsize  => 391);
    $root->gridRowconfigure(2, -weight  => 0, -minsize  => 30);

    # container $root (columns)
    $root->gridColumnconfigure(1, -weight => 0, -minsize => 540);

    # container $frame_1 (rows)
    $frame_1->gridRowconfigure(1, -weight  => 0, -minsize  => 30);

    # container $frame_1 (columns)
    $frame_1->gridColumnconfigure(1, -weight => 0, -minsize => 80);
    $frame_1->gridColumnconfigure(2, -weight => 0, -minsize => 80);
    $frame_1->gridColumnconfigure(3, -weight => 0, -minsize => 400);
    # additional interface code
    # end additional interface code


sub fill_board
    my($self, $pieces) = @_;
    my $root = $self->{main_frame};
    $self->{board} = ();
    for (1 .. ROWS)
        my $row = $_;
        for (1 .. COLUMNS)
            my $col = $_;
            $self->{board}[$_-1]->[$row-1] = $root->Button (
                -text => $pieces->[$_ - 1]->[$row-1],
                -background => $self->{colours}->{$pieces->[$_ - 1]->[
+$row -1]},
                -foreground => "black",
                -font => $self->{font} . ',20,bold',
                -command => sub { $::game->makeselection($row, $col) }


sub build_board
    my($self) = @_;
    my $root = $self->{main_frame};
    for (1 .. ROWS)
        my $row = $_;
        for (1 .. COLUMNS)
                -in => $self->{frameBoard},
                -column => $_,
                -row => $row,
                -sticky => 'w'


sub refresh_board
    my($self, $pieces) = @_;
    my $root = $self->{main_frame};
    #$self->{board} = ();
    for (1 .. ROWS)
        my $row = $_;
        for (1 .. COLUMNS)
            my $col = $_;
            if ($pieces->[$_ - 1]->[$row-1] eq " ") { 
                -text =>"O",
                -background => "grey",
                -foreground => "grey",
                -font => $self->{font} . ',20,bold',
                -command => sub { $::game->makeselection($row, $col) }
                next COLCHECK;

            my $color = $self->{colours}->{$pieces->[$_ - 1]->[$row -1
            if (grep /^$col,$row$/, @{$::game->{currentlyselected}})
                $color = "white";

                -text =>$pieces->[$_ - 1]->[$row-1],
                -background => $color,
                -foreground => "black",
                -font => $self->{font} . ',20,bold',
                -command => sub { $::game->makeselection($row, $col) }

sub update_click_score
    my($self, $score) = @_;
    my $root = $self->{main_frame};
        -text => $self->commify($score),

sub update_total_score
    my($self, $score) = @_;
    my $root = $self->{main_frame};
        -text => $self->commify($score),

sub update_this_total
    my($self, $score) = @_;
    my $root = $self->{main_frame};
        -text => $self->commify($score),

sub commify 
    # adapted from perlfaq4
    my ($self, $num) = @_;
    1 while $num =~ s/^([-+]?\d+)(\d{3})/$1,$2/;
    return $num;

#  Revision History                                                   
+        #
#  -----------                                                        
+        #
+        #
#  12/9/2001       Beta version - some small bugs                     
+        #
#  13/9/2001       v1.0   Fixed main bugs and added selected block    
+        #
#                         highlighting                                
+        #
#  13/9/2001       v1.1   Added commify() for those really high scores
+!       #
#                         Added a Game Over Check                     
+        #
#                         Fixed board shift bug [ temporary hack :( ] 
+        #
Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: SameGame
by Hero Zzyzzx (Curate) on Sep 15, 2001 at 17:58 UTC

    Very cool! You can now add "tested on Mandrake 8.0, perl 5.6.1" too. I don't know how many total hours I've played SameGnome. Too many.

    I guess I'm going to have to learn how to use Tk. . .

    -Any sufficiently advanced technology is
    indistinguishable from doubletalk.

Re: SameGame
by thunders (Priest) on Jan 10, 2002 at 21:15 UTC
    Great job. It works well on Windows NT sp6 with ActivePerl 629 as well as Cygwin's version of Perl 5.6.1.
Re: SameGame
by Dasaan (Beadle) on Dec 18, 2003 at 11:01 UTC
    works on debian unstable too, nice
Re: SameGame
by Anonymous Monk on Jan 11, 2002 at 04:36 UTC
    tested successfully on:
    Perl 5.003_03 on HPUX 10.2 running CDE

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