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Re: How do I go from procedural to object oriented programming?

by SimonPratt (Friar)
on Apr 21, 2015 at 09:23 UTC ( [id://1124116]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to How do I go from procedural to object oriented programming?

The biggest difference I can think of between procedural programming and OO programming is where state logic is maintained.

In procedural programming, state logic tends to be maintained by the programmer within the main body of the program. This means that in the main body of the program you have to maintain all the gory guts of everything you are working with. In order to try and deal with all of this, procedural programmers do tend towards an OO style, in an attempt to maintain sanity.

In OO programming state logic is maintained by the objects themselves (I am a movie, I know what state I am in and I know how to modify that state based on the actions I let you perform on me). This leaves the main body of the program free to describe the logic of what is happening.

use 5.16.2; use warnings FATAL => qw( all ); package movie; sub new { my $class = shift; my %params = @_; my $self = bless {}, $class; $self->title($params{title}); $self->startyear($params{startyear}); $self->endyear($params{endyear}); $self->media($params{media}); $self->basedon($params{basedon}); $self->company($params{company}); return $self; } sub title { my $self = shift; my $title = shift; $self->{title} = $title if $title; return $self->{title}; } sub startyear { my $self = shift; my $startyear = shift; $self->{startyear} = $startyear if $startyear; return $self->{startyear}; } sub endyear { my $self = shift; my $endyear = shift; $self->{endyear} = $endyear if $endyear; return $self->{endyear}; } sub media { my $self = shift; my $media = shift; $self->{media} = $media if $media; return $self->{media}; } sub basedon { my $self = shift; my $basedon = shift; $self->{basedon} = $basedon if $basedon; return $self->{basedon}; } sub company { my $self = shift; my $company = shift; $self->{company} = $company if $company; return $self->{company}; } sub print { my $self = shift; say "I am a movie and my title is $self->{title}"; } package library; sub new { my $class = shift; my %params = @_; my $self = bless {}, $class; $self->name($params{name}); $self->add_movie($_) for @{$params{movies}}; return $self; } sub name { my $self = shift; my $name = shift; $self->{name} = $name if $name; return $self->{name}; } sub add_movie { my $self = shift; my $movie = shift; $self->{movies}{$movie->title()}{movie} = $movie; $self->{movies}{$movie->title()}{location} = 'in'; } sub print { my $self = shift; say "I am a library called '".$self->name()."' and contain the fol +lowing movies:"; say "\t".$_->{movie}->title() foreach values %{$self->{movies}}; } package main; my %movies_data = ( 'Firefly' => { 'title' => 'Firefly', 'startyear' => '2002', 'endyear' => '2003', 'media' => 'tv', }, 'Criminal Minds' => { 'title' => 'Criminal Minds', 'startyear' => '2005', 'endyear' => 'tbd', 'media' => 'tv', }, 'The 10th Kingdom' => { 'title' => 'The 10th Kingdom', 'startyear' => '2000', 'endyear' => '', 'media' => 'miniseries', }, 'Iron Man' => { 'title' => 'Iron Man', 'startyear' => '2008', 'endyear' => '', 'media' => 'film', 'basedon' => 'comics', 'company' => 'Marvel Comics', }, 'Tin Man' => { 'start year' => '2007', 'title' => 'Tin Man', 'media' => 'miniseries', 'basedon' => 'novel', 'company' => 'L. Frank Baum' }, 'The Avengers (1998)' => { 'title' => 'The Avengers (1998)', 'startyear' => '1998', 'media' => 'film', 'basedon' => 'television series', 'company' => 'Thames Television', }, ); my $library = library->new(name => "Lucky's"); foreach my $movie (values %movies_data) { $library->add_movie(movie->new(%$movie)); } $library->print();

See how in main, there is now no logic about how to update state? (I'm using your hash to pass the required values to the movie object - The object itself has the logic for using (or not) the values provided). Main is now all about the logic of what you want to do (make a movie, make a library, add a movie to a library, print out the contents of the library, etc)

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Re^2: How do I go from procedural to object oriented programming?
by Lady_Aleena (Priest) on Apr 22, 2015 at 08:01 UTC

    Hello SimonPratt and thank you for stopping by. I have a few specific questions about the code you provided. I will be writing up something more general as a reply to my OP to show the true breadth of the module.

    1. Is Perl 5.16.2 required? I write for 5.8.8 since that is what my web host provides.
    2. How are you getting %movies_data from the module to the script below?
      #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; # movie is the first package name I found in the module, # so I'm guessing it is also the module's name. use movie; my $library = library->new(name => "Lucky's"); foreach my $movie (values %movies_data) { $library->add_movie(movie->new(%$movie)); } $library->print();
      I see %movies_data but I don't see how you got it from the module. %movies_data is not something I want to have to copy and paste to the three scripts which use it now.
    3. Why doesn't end_year get a value if it does not have one? It needs an end year for run_time which you seem to have dropped.

    You do not need to worry about adding movies with this module. I enter the data into the file by hand since the last time I did anything with the data file with a script, I accidentally dropped a value causing me to have to redo my research for the value for a lot of movies.

    The module I am possibly rewriting has 7 hashes, 5 of which get sent out to scripts from the module. Some values of the hashes use the subroutines and other hashes to create some of the values. It is a big complex organism.

    No matter how hysterical I get, my problems are not time sensitive. So, relax, have a cookie, and a very nice day!
    Lady Aleena

      Kia ora, Lady_Aleena, sure

      1. No it isn't, just happens to be the version I use (faster than writing use strict; use features;. Also gives hints about the version of Perl I am using, in case people do run into issues with any scripts I have created)
      2. In the sample I provided, this is main:
        my %movies_data = ( 'Firefly' => { 'title' => 'Firefly', 'startyear' => '2002', 'endyear' => '2003', 'media' => 'tv', }, 'Criminal Minds' => { 'title' => 'Criminal Minds', 'startyear' => '2005', 'endyear' => 'tbd', 'media' => 'tv', }, 'The 10th Kingdom' => { 'title' => 'The 10th Kingdom', 'startyear' => '2000', 'endyear' => '', 'media' => 'miniseries', }, 'Iron Man' => { 'title' => 'Iron Man', 'startyear' => '2008', 'endyear' => '', 'media' => 'film', 'basedon' => 'comics', 'company' => 'Marvel Comics', }, 'Tin Man' => { 'startyear' => '2007', 'title' => 'Tin Man', 'media' => 'miniseries', 'basedon' => 'novel', 'company' => 'L. Frank Baum' }, 'The Avengers (1998)' => { 'title' => 'The Avengers (1998)', 'startyear' => '1998', 'media' => 'film', 'basedon' => 'television series', 'company' => 'Thames Television', }, ); my $library = library->new(name => "Lucky's"); foreach my $movie (values %movies_data) { $library->add_movie(movie->new(%$movie)); } $library->print();
        From this, you can see that $movie is a reference to each of the hashes contaning the movie info (startyear, endyear, etc). When I call movie->new(%$movie) it is a call to the new function in the package movie, passing in the de-referenced hash containing the movie information. new is expecting a hash of stuff and deals with it appropriately when it creates the movie object. As for copying it, you don't have to do this - You can store this information in a myriad of ways (I would suggest a read-only XML file that you can easily backup, which your scripts can load easily)
      3. It won't get a value if I don't give it one. I didn't implement run_time as I was just trying to show a quick sample of how to create an OO object. Implementing this should be pretty straight-forward (and I would expect no end_year would be handled appropriately by run_time

      Heh, certainly looks pretty meaty. In a more OO fashion, I would expect lookup to be a single function within a library class, that returns an object from the library (movie, tv show, whatever). Then getting any of the underlying state information of the object that the caller wants is placed back onto the caller, who simply asks the object for that piece of information.

      UPDATE: You can copy the original sample I provided as-is, stick it all into a single script, change the use 5.16.2; line to use 5.8.8;, save it and run it - It should work just fine (though might complain about say (not sure when this feature was implemented), which you can just change to print.

      Uhh, did a quick update to my previous script, to print the movies on individual lines, as per your OP. Notice how most of the work was done inside the classes, adding and extending function and procedure calls as necessary. main really is only having to deal with the what side of the equation, as opposed to the how, which is encapsulated inside the classes.

      use 5.16.2; use warnings FATAL => qw( all ); package movie; sub new { my $class = shift; my %params = @_; my $self = bless {}, $class; $self->title($params{title}); $self->start_year($params{start_year}); $self->end_year($params{end_year}); $self->media($params{media}); $self->based_on($params{based_on}); $self->company($params{company}); return $self; } sub title { my $self = shift; my $title = shift; $self->{title} = $title if $title; return $self->{title}; } sub start_year { my $self = shift; my $start_year = shift; $self->{start_year} = $start_year if $start_year; return $self->{start_year} // 'TBD'; } sub end_year { my $self = shift; my $end_year = shift; $self->{end_year} = $end_year if $end_year; return $self->{end_year} // 'TBD'; } sub media { my $self = shift; my $media = shift; $self->{media} = $media if $media; return $self->{media} // 'TBD'; } sub based_on { my $self = shift; my $based_on = shift; $self->{based_on} = $based_on if $based_on; return $self->{based_on} // 'TBD'; } sub company { my $self = shift; my $company = shift; $self->{company} = $company if $company; return $self->{company} // 'TBD'; } sub run_time { my $self = shift; my $result = $self->end_year(); $result = $self->start_year() if $self->media() eq 'film'; return $result; } sub print { my $self = shift; my $output = $self->title()." is a ".$self->start_year()." "; if ($self->media() eq 'tv') { $output .= "television series which "; if ($self->end_year()) { $output .= "completed in ".$self->end_year(); } else { $output .= "is still running."; } } else { $output .= $self->media()." based on ".$self->based_on()." by +".$self->company(); } say $output; } package library; sub new { my $class = shift; my %params = @_; my $self = bless {}, $class; $self->name($params{name}); $self->add_movie($_) for @{$params{movies}}; return $self; } sub name { my $self = shift; my $name = shift; $self->{name} = $name if $name; return $self->{name}; } sub add_movie { my $self = shift; my $movie = shift; $self->{movies}{$movie->title()}{movie} = $movie; $self->{movies}{$movie->title()}{location} = 'in'; } sub get_allmovies { my $self = shift; my @movies = map {$_->{movie}} values $self->{movies}; return @movies; } sub print { my $self = shift; say "I am a library called '".$self->name()."' and contain the fol +lowing movies:"; say "\t".$_->{movie}->title() foreach values %{$self->{movies}}; } package main; use XML::Simple; my @data = <DATA>; my $movies_data = eval { XMLin("@data") }; my $library = library->new(name => "Lucky's"); foreach my $movie (@{$movies_data->{movie}}) { $library->add_movie(movie->new(%$movie)); } $library->print(); say ""; foreach my $movie ($library->get_allmovies()) { $movie->print(); } __DATA__ <movies> <movie> <title>Firefly</title> <start_year>2002</start_year> <end_year>2003</end_year> <media>tv</media> </movie> <movie> <title>Criminal Minds</title> <start_year>2005</start_year> <end_year>tbd</end_year> <media>tv</media> </movie> <movie> <title>The 10th Kingdom</title> <start_year>2000</start_year> <end_year></end_year> <media>miniseries</media> </movie> <movie> <title>Iron Man</title> <start_year>2008</start_year> <end_year></end_year> <media>film</media> <based_on>comics</based_on> <company>Marvel Comics</company> </movie> <movie> <start_year>2007</start_year> <title>Tin Man</title> <media>miniseries</media> <based_on>novel</based_on> <company>L. Frank Baum</company> </movie> <movie> <title>The Avengers (1998)</title> <start_year>1998</start_year> <media>film</media> <based_on>television series</based_on> <company>Thames Television</company> </movie> </movies>

        SimonPratt, I'm sorry I didn't get back to you sooner. I got distracted. If you want to see my actual data, it is here. I don't know what you used at the bottom of the script, however it looks like it is going to gobble up a lot of screen real estate when you consider I have nearly 2,400 movies' data collected, and there are the additional fields qw(format Wikipedia allmovie IMDb Flixter genre). I shudder to think of the amount of bytes it would take to store them the way you are. I stored 13 movies for the bytes you used for 6, and 42 in the same amount of lines.

        I told you all that so you know I why I put the data in the same module as my subroutines. To keep storage so small, I have to do a fair amount of processing on each field. Even media gets processed. (If media is written like miniseries:5, miniseries is the media, 5 is the amount of parts it has and goes into $movie->{'counts'}{'episode'}. If I can't have the data in the same module as the subroutines, I will not be able to keep my storage sizes down.

        For example, when processing $series and $franchises (2 hash refs processed after $movies), I need start_year and end_year.

        There are a total of 7 hashes created in the actual module. If there were a way to keep them with the objects subroutines, I wouldn't have to drop the idea of using objects. As long as the data is not included, the module becomes useless to me. The actual module is all inclusive of everything which has to do with movies on my site which includes movies, series, franchises, genres, what I own, etc. Everything this module needs to handle is explained here.

        No matter how hysterical I get, my problems are not time sensitive. So, relax, have a cookie, and a very nice day!
        Lady Aleena
      the last time I did anything with the data file with a script, I accidentally dropped a value causing me to have to redo my research for the value for a lot of movies.
      Now that you have an offsite backup , that should be a simple matter of git revert or at most git cherry-pick … (at least as long as you keep it up to date, of course)

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