print_nodes($data); sub print_nodes { my $data = shift; foreach my $node ( @{ $data->{node} } ) { print $node->{name} . ": " . $node->{text} . "\n"; if ( $node->{node} ) { print_nodes($node); } } } #### 1st node: Text of 1st node 2nd node: Text of 2nd node subnode A: Text of subnode A subnode B: Text of subnode B 3rd node: Text of 3rd node #### print_nodes( $data, 0 ); sub print_nodes { my ( $data, $depth ) = @_; my $tab_width = 4; foreach my $node ( @{ $data->{node} } ) { my $indent = " " x $depth x $tab_width; print $indent . $node->{name} . ": " . $node->{text} . "\n"; if ( $node->{node} ) { print_nodes( $node, $depth + 1 ); } } } #### 1st node: Text of 1st node 2nd node: Text of 2nd node subnode A: Text of subnode A subnode B: Text of subnode B 3rd node: Text of 3rd node