in reply to Dynamic SQL

MidLifeXis was so kind as to recommend my module DBIx::PreQL. It's aim is to simplify the horrendous task of maintaining dynamically generated SQL.

Here's one way to handle the your particular case.

my $preql = <<'PREQL' * SELECT * Name * FROM CUST Customer SALE Sales * WHERE CUST CustID = ?customer_id? SALES SalesID = ?sales_id? PREQL my ($query, @params) = DBIx::PreQL->build_query( query => $preql, data => { sales_id => $salesid, customer_id => $custid, }, wanted => $x > 10 ? 'CUST' : 'SALES' ); my $got = $db->selectall_hashref( $query, @params );

Why do all this stuff?

In fact, at $WORK, we have found it worthwhile to convert static queries to PreQL. It has helped with debugging and maintenance. Because all the placeholders are labeled, they are easier to understand. PreQL also provides useful error messages that identify missing, but expected placeholder values.

TGI says moo