in reply to AnyEvent timers by EV

Here's what's going on with the noticed odd-good/even-bad behavior:
#!/usr/bin/perl use common::sense; use AnyEvent::HTTP; use Data::Dumper; sub do { my $iter = shift; my $cv = AnyEvent->condvar; $cv->begin; http_get '', timeout => 2, # out-comment to get the even/odd behavior persistent => 0, sub { my ($body, $hdr) = @_; say "$iter $hdr->{Status}"; unless ($hdr->{Status} == 200) { warn Data::Dumper->Dump([$hdr],['hdr']); } $cv->end; } ; $cv->recv; } for (1..4) { &do($_); sleep(5); }
The documentation for that 'persistent' reads as follows:
        persistent => $boolean
               Try to create/reuse a persistent connection. When this flag is set (default: true for idempotent
               requests, false for all others), then "http_request" tries to re-use an existing (previously-created)
               persistent connection to the host and, failing that, tries to create a new one.

               Requests failing in certain ways will be automatically retried once, which is dangerous for non-
               idempotent requests, which is why it defaults to off for them. The reason for this is because the bozos
               who designed HTTP/1.1 made it impossible to distinguish between a fatal error and a normal connection
               timeout, so you never know whether there was a problem with your request or not.

               When reusing an existent connection, many parameters (such as TLS context) will be ignored. See the
               "session" parameter for a workaround.
This default persistence for idempotent requests conflicts with your 5 seconds sleeps - and that's why only every second connection attempt succeeds.
