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RE: User Requests Quest

by ZZamboni (Curate)
on May 11, 2000 at 21:32 UTC ( [id://11191]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to User Requests Quest

Another one: it has been mentioned before that it would be nice to be able to download code from Snippets and Code Catacombs directly, without having to copy-and-paste everything. So how about this general mechanism:

Make the <code> tag automatically add a link right before the code that says "(download this code)" or something like that, where you can click to get that piece of code directly. Using this you could download snippets, obfuscated code, or whatever. It could be made to add the link only to things longer than one line to reduce clutter (one-liners are easy to cut and paste anyway).


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