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Re^2: approximating geological problems with highway data

by Aldebaran (Curate)
on Feb 03, 2023 at 02:48 UTC ( [id://11150109]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: approximating geological problems with highway data
in thread approximating geological problems with highway data

Welcome to the wonderful world of OpenStreetMap and, as marto said, Open Elevation.

Thx, man. You are honestly one of the people who makes the internet fun as well as manageable and informative.

Try this at OpenStreetMap query at the sandbox at: :

Just effin wow. What does this line in particular represent? [!foot], etc...


How might a person capture the data from the right?

Are node id's unique natural numbers that can be ordered into a graph?

Here is a query to get you started with the latter:,-8.583933 (not sure lat/lon or lon/lat).

I'm stretching my game but can't quite get there:

$ ./ Subroutine get_logger redefined at ./ line 134. INFO: ./ INFO: pi is 3.14159265358979 INFO: Bonneville max altitude in feet: 5200 Error fetching: 500 Server closed connection without sending any data +back at ./ line 298. $

The problem will be here:

sub get_open_elevation { my ( $lat, $lon, $debug ) = @_; use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Request; use Data::Roundtrip; $debug //= 0; #my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new( 'send_te' => '0' ); my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new( agent => 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox +/78.0', ); my $r = HTTP::Request->new( 'GET' => '$lat%2C$lon', [ 'Accept' => '*/*', 'User-Agent' => 'curl/7.55.1' ], ); my $response = $ua->request( $r, ); if ( $debug > 0 ) { $logger->debug("$0 : verbose"); } die "Error fetching: " . $response->status_line unless $response->is_success; my $content = $response->decoded_content; my $data = Data::Roundtrip::json2perl($content); warn "failed to parse received data:\n$content\n" unless exists $data->{'elevation'}; return 5000; }

I may have worn out my welcome with the server because it didn't always not want to talk to me at all. Full script here for dedicated parties (80 lines less without dialing up google; I don't want to post it on gitlab until it looks and behaves better.):

#!/usr/bin/perl use v5.028; # strictness implied use warnings; use feature qw[ signatures ]; no warnings qw[ experimental::signatures ]; use DateTime; use DateTime::Format::ISO8601; use DateTime::TimeZone; use Log::Log4perl; use Try::Tiny; our $debug = 0; my $logger = init_log(); my $ref_events = init_event(); my $date_str = "2021-10-14"; my $time_str = "03:22:31"; @{$_}{qw(date time)} = ( $date_str, $time_str ) for @$ref_events; my @events = @$ref_events; my $pi = atan2( 1, 1 ) * 4; $logger->info("pi is $pi "); my $redrock = 5200; #Willsey thumbnail for Bonneville Trail elevati +on $logger->info("Bonneville max altitude in feet: $redrock"); ## event loop # Initial previous event to something my ( $prev_lat, $prev_long ) = ( -112, 42 ); #some point in the snake river plain for my $event (@events) { my $epoch = parse_event($event); ### determine altitude withOUT google die unless exists $event->{location}; # restriction my $return = get_open_elevation( $event->{location}->{lat}, $event->{location}->{lon}, $debug ); $logger->info( " $event->{name} $event->{location}->{lat} $event->{location}->{l +on}"); $logger->info("return from the google is $return meters"); my $feet = 3.28084 * $return; $logger->info("Altitude in feet is $feet"); my $diff = $redrock - $feet; $logger->info("Difference from max Bonneville elevation is $diff ft" +); ### Elevation with USGS use Geo::WebService::Elevation::USGS; my $eq = Geo::WebService::Elevation::USGS->new(); my $alt = $eq->elevation( $event->{location}->{lat}, $event->{location}->{lo +n} ) ->{Elevation}; $logger->info("USGS elevation is $alt ft"); ### compare values my $percent = percent_error( $feet, $alt ); $logger->info("Percent difference is $percent"); ### distance with GPS::Point use GPS::Point; my $gps = GPS::Point->new( lat => $prev_lat, lon => $prev_long ); my $dist = $gps->distance( $event->{location}->{lat}, $event->{location}->{lo +n} ); my $feet2 = 3.28084 * $dist; my $miles = $feet2 / 5280; #$logger->info("distance is $feet2 feet"); $logger->info("distance is $miles miles"); ### rotate values $prev_lat = $event->{location}->{lat}; $prev_long = $event->{location}->{lon}; $logger->info("=============="); } ## end event loop #### end main sub init_event { # define unique event records as anonymous hash refs. # thx anomalous monk my $ar_events = [ { "name" => "Boise", "location" => { lon => -116.2, lat => 43.61 }, }, { "name" => "near sublett", "location" => { lon => -113.2104084, lat => 42.3278114 }, }, { "name" => "snowville", "location" => { lon => -112.7105234, lat => 41.9655701 }, }, { "name" => "juniper", "location" => { lon => -112.9842191, lat => 42.152429 }, }, # and so on... ]; return $ar_events; } sub percent_error { my ( $val1, $val2 ) = @_; my $diff = abs( $val2 - $val1 ); my $median = ( $val1 + $val2 ) / 2.0; my $percent = $diff * 100 / $median; return ($percent); } sub init_log { { package Log::Log4perl; sub get_logger ($pkg) { return bless [], $pkg; } sub show (@arg) { warn @arg, "\n"; } sub debug ( $ignore, @rest ) { show( 'DEBUG: ', @rest ); } sub info ( $ignore, @rest ) { show( 'INFO: ', @rest ); } sub warn ( $ignore, @rest ) { show( 'WARNING: ', @rest ); } sub error ( $ignore, @rest ) { die 'ERROR: ', @rest, "\n"; } } my $logger2 = Log::Log4perl->get_logger(); $logger2->info("$0"); return $logger2; } sub event2str { my $event = shift; if ( !exists $event->{_is_parsed} ) { warn "event has not been parsed, just dumping it..."; print Dump($event); } my $str = $event->{name} . " on " . $event->{datetime} . " (" . $event->{datetime}->epoch . " seconds unix-epoch)" . " timezone: " . $event->{datetime}->time_zone->name; if ( exists $event->{location} ) { if ( ref( $event->{location} ) eq 'HASH' ) { $str .= " (lat: " . $event->{location}->{lat} . ", lon: " . $event->{location}->{lon} . ")"; } else { $str .= "(" . $event->{location} . ")" } } return $str; } sub parse_event { my $event = shift; $debug //= 0; if ( !exists $event->{date} ) { die "date field is missing from even +t." } my $datestr = $event->{date}; die "event does not have a 'name' field, please specify one, anythin +g really." unless exists $event->{name}; my $timestr = "00:00:01"; if ( exists $event->{time} ) { $timestr = $event->{time}; print "event2epoch(): setting time to '$timestr' ...\n" if $debug > 0; die "time '$timestr' is not valid, it must be in the form 'hh:mm:s +s'." unless $timestr =~ /^\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}$/; } else { $event->{time} = $timestr } my $isostr = $datestr . 'T' . $timestr; my $dt = DateTime::Format::ISO8601->parse_datetime($isostr); die "failed to parse date '$isostr', check date and time fields." unless defined $dt; $event->{datetime} = $dt; my $tzstr = 'UTC'; if ( exists $event->{timezone} ) { $tzstr = $event->{timezone}; print "event2epoch(): found a timezone via 'timezone' field as '$tzstr' (tha +t does not mean it is valid) ...\n" if $debug > 0; } elsif ( exists $event->{location} ) { my $loc = $event->{location}; if ( ( ref($loc) eq '' ) && ( $loc =~ /^[a-zA-Z]$/ ) ) { # we have a location string my @alltzs = DateTime::TimeZone->all_names; my $tzstr; for (@alltzs) { if ( $_ =~ /$loc/i ) { $tzstr = $_; last } } die "event's location can not be converted to a timezone, consider specify +ing the 'timezone' directly or setting 'location' coordinates with: \ +[lat,lon\]." unless $tzstr; print "event2epoch(): setting timezone via 'location' name to '$timestr' ... +\n" if $debug > 0; } elsif ( ( ref($loc) eq 'HASH' ) && ( exists $loc->{lat} ) && ( exists $loc->{lon} ) ) { # we have a [lat,lon] array for location require Geo::Location::TimeZone; my $gltzobj = Geo::Location::TimeZone->new(); $tzstr = $gltzobj->lookup( lat => $loc->{lat}, lon => $loc->{lon +} ); if ( !$tzstr ) { die "timezone lookup from location coordinates lat:" . $loc->{lat} . ", lon:" . $loc->{lon} . " has failed."; } print "event2epoch(): setting timezone via 'location' coordinate +s lat:" . $loc->{lat} . ", lon:" . $loc->{lon} . " ...\n" if $debug > 0; } } if ($tzstr) { print "event2epoch(): deduced timezone to '$tzstr' and setting it +...\n" if $debug > 0; try { $dt->set_time_zone($tzstr) } catch { die "$_\n failed to set the timezone '$tzstr', is it valid?" } } $event->{_is_parsed} = 1; $event->{epoch} = $dt->epoch; return $event->{epoch}; } sub get_open_elevation { my ( $lat, $lon, $debug ) = @_; use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Request; use Data::Roundtrip; $debug //= 0; #my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new( 'send_te' => '0' ); my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new( agent => 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox +/78.0', ); my $r = HTTP::Request->new( 'GET' => '$lat%2C$lon', [ 'Accept' => '*/*', 'User-Agent' => 'curl/7.55.1' ], ); my $response = $ua->request( $r, ); if ( $debug > 0 ) { $logger->debug("$0 : verbose"); } die "Error fetching: " . $response->status_line unless $response->is_success; my $content = $response->decoded_content; my $data = Data::Roundtrip::json2perl($content); warn "failed to parse received data:\n$content\n" unless exists $data->{'elevation'}; return 5000; } __END__

Snagged on


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Re^3: approximating geological problems with highway data
by Aldebaran (Curate) on Feb 03, 2023 at 21:20 UTC
    I may have worn out my welcome with the server because it didn't always not want to talk to me at all

    When I quote properly to allow interpolation, I get:

    $ ./ ... Error fetching: 504 Gateway Time-out at ./ line 298. $

    , having changed the GET line to:

    'GET' => "$lat%2C$lon",

    Progress? Maybe.....

      Host your own instance and avoid such problems, or at least be in a position to fix them yourself.

        Host your own instance and avoid such problems, or at least be in a position to fix them yourself.

        I've been working on the docker part, taking my lumps but not bringing it up, as it isn't perl proper. I had a setback with following outdated instructions on the first attempt. I found a nice fresh how-to-install-docker-on-linux, from 31 January 2023, and have made considerable progress, but I can't quite get to where I successfully pull files. Fuller story in readmores:

        Fishing for tips from more experienced parties,

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