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Re^4: Script exponentially slower as number of files to process increases

by marioroy (Prior)
on Jan 28, 2023 at 11:08 UTC ( [id://11149978]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^3: Script exponentially slower as number of files to process increases
in thread Script exponentially slower as number of files to process increases

A chunking engine allows one to specify a smaller chunk size for more possibilities. What we can do is have workers append to a local string variable. Upon completing the chunk, workers write the buffer to the target file. This works out quite well, further reducing the overall time. This rid of the time taken before and after W.R.T. temp dirs/files creation, reading, and cleanup.

Why smaller chunk size? Workers append to a local string variable for this demonstration. A greater chunk size also means greater memory consumption, potentially.

Making this possible is MCE::Relay (for orderly) or MCE::Mutex (unorderly). Not seeing all CPU cores at 100% utilization? That's because workers now cooperate orderly or serially when appending to the target file. Please no need to spin 4,000+ workers or beyond the physical limit of the box. That's really unnecessary.

Look at the time saved. Merging results is now handled by workers versus post-processing, previously taking 31.510 seconds.

# MCE::Relay $ time ../ Parsing 345701 files maxforks: 64 chunksize: 50 regex: 13.628399 real 0m13.670s user 11m11.484s sys 0m 4.739s # MCE::Mutex $ time ../ Parsing 345701 files maxforks: 64 chunksize: 50 regex: 12.646211 real 0m12.689s user 11m28.535s sys 0m 4.827s

#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use feature qw{ say }; use warnings; use Env; use utf8; use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday tv_interval usleep); use open ':std', ':encoding(UTF-8)'; use MCE::Loop; use MCE::Mutex; my $benchmark = 1; # print timings for loops my $wordfile="data.dat"; truncate $wordfile, 0; #$|=1; # substitute whole words my %whole = qw{ going go getting get goes go knew know trying try tried try told tell coming come saying say men man women woman took take lying lie dying die }; # substitute on prefix my %prefix = qw{ need need talk talk tak take used use using use }; # substitute on substring my %substring = qw{ mean mean work work read read allow allow gave give bought buy want want hear hear came come destr destroy paid pay selve self cities city fight fight creat create makin make includ include }; my $re1 = qr{\b(@{[ join '|', reverse sort keys %whole ]})\b}i; my $re2 = qr{\b(@{[ join '|', reverse sort keys %prefix ]})\w*}i; my $re3 = qr{\b\w*?(@{[ join '|', reverse sort keys %substring ]})\w*} +i; truncate $wordfile, 0; my $maxforks = 64; my $chunksize = 50; # keep this small, workers append to string buffe +r my $t0 = [gettimeofday]; my $mutex = MCE::Mutex->new; sub process_files { my ($mce, $chunk_ref, $chunk_id) = @_; my $output = ""; while (my $infile = shift @{ $chunk_ref }) { open my $IN, '<', $infile or warn("open error: infile"), MCE->last; while (<$IN>) { tr/-!"#%&()*',.\/:;?@\[\\\]”_“{’}><^)(|/ /; # no punct " s/^/ /; s/\n/ \n/; s/[[:digit:]]{1,12}//g; s/w(as|ere)/be/gi; s{$re2}{ $prefix{lc $1} }g; # prefix s{$re3}{ $substring{lc $1} }g; # part s{$re1}{ $whole{lc $1} }g; # whole $output .= "$_"; } close $IN; } # Choose one: relay (orderly) or mutex (unorderly), but not both. # MCE::relay { # open my $OUT, '>>', $wordfile or die "Error opening $wordfil +e"; # print {$OUT} $output; # close $OUT; # }; $mutex->enter(sub { open my $OUT, '>>', $wordfile or die "Error opening $wordfile" +; print {$OUT} $output; close $OUT; }); undef $output; return; } sub input_iterator { my ($filecount, @data); my $init_data = 1; return sub { if ($init_data) { @data = glob("data-* ??/data-*"); $filecount = scalar @data; say "Parsing $filecount files"; # okay, zero files say "maxforks: $maxforks"; say "chunksize: $chunksize"; $init_data = 0; } return unless @data; return splice @data, 0, $chunksize; }; } MCE::Loop->init( chunk_size => $chunksize, max_workers => $maxforks, # init_relay => 1, # uncomment, if choosing MCE::relay above posix_exit => 1, use_threads => 0, # use emulated fork on Windows ); MCE::Loop->run(\&process_files, input_iterator()); MCE::Loop->finish; my $elapsed = tv_interval($t0); print "regex: $elapsed\n" if $benchmark;

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Re^5: Script exponentially slower as number of files to process increases
by xnous (Sexton) on Jan 28, 2023 at 15:47 UTC
    I got my hands on a bare metal EPYC 16/32 server and fired up the scripts on it. Its sweet spot for kikuchiyo's script was between 768 and 864 forks, running for 3.2 seconds on 60K files. Above that it steadily worsened. Your script took around 7.3 seconds for every fork count between 32-128, dropping slowly afterwards. So, the CPU architecture indeed plays a major role in how (and how many) threads are handled.

    Oh, by the way, the initial MCE script somehow OOM'ed my 32GB laptop, killing Xorg in the process, but I was cocky enough to have kept a 300-tab firefox session open during testing...

    EDIT: After the $subdir overflow bug discovery in kikuchiyo's script, both his and marioroy's scripts perform roughly the same. Apologies are in order for not double-checking the results before posting triumphant benchmarks with 2048 threads on a 4-core machine...

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