Every few years I try to update this post so that people are aware.

Question is how to send email through GMail, or otherwise a Google Account.

It's still easy, but different. The instructions can be found in the above link through your own research. It can be done.

I want to keep this knowledge alive. When I have difficulty and find a solution, I want others to know how I overcame it. We should all be able to send mail or text messages through our Google accounts.

use warnings; use strict; use Net::SMTP; my $smtp = Net::SMTP->new( '', Hello => '', Timeout => 30, Debug => 1, SSL => 1, Port => 465 ); # Password here is an app password. Need to enable 2FA on Google # account to generate one $smtp->auth('', '*app_password*') or die; $smtp->mail(''); $smtp->to(''); $smtp->data(); $smtp->datasend("hey!\n"); $smtp->quit();

The above is copy and pastable working code. I'm all in with no obfu with my real email address. I'm good with seeing how the cards fall.